
Friday, 13 February 2015


            PARTIES should be fun but, for most people, parties are a thing to fear, because they make them feel so awkward and uncomfortable. The fear of being in a room full of strangers is more common than you might think but it can be overcome. If you are one of those dreads parties, then read these ten simple tips on how to conquer that fear and feel less awkward at social occasions:

Try to relax, don’t push yourself too hard and just be you. Over thinking the situation and worrying too much about the impression that you will make will only make you even more nervous. If you can’t strike up a conversation with one person, then just move on and simply take each moment as it comes.

2. Smile
Don’t stand in the corner of the room with arms folded and a scowl on your face. Smile and adopt an open body posture, with your shoulders back and your arms at your sides. That way will you appear to be more open and friendly and people will be more willing to approach you.

Don’t be tempted into wearing party clothes that you are not comfortable in. Teetering precariously on heels that you are not used to wearing, or having to constantly pull the hem of your skirt down, because it’s shorter than you would really like, is not going to make you feel comfortable at all.

You won’t be the only person at the party feeling the way you do, so keep an eye for the others. They too are probably looking to find someone for a one-to-one conversation, so you can help to put each other at ease.