Irrespective of a country’s with hot weather, sunshiny days is a great opportunity for getting out and enjoying the sun, but the warm weather is not always so great for your makeup and hair. This year, enjoy a summer or a holiday in tropical countries without the worry of having a makeup melt-down and look fresh and beautiful all day long with these ten great beauty secrets for the hot weather:
1. Make time for primer
Using a primer is must for the hot weather days. Moisturize first and make sure the moisturizer is worked well into the skin. Then apply a primer, which will give you a smooth base for the rest of your makeup and it will help your makeup stay in place, however hot it gets.
2. Get waterproofed
If you have tried waterproof mascaras before and didn’t get on with them, give them another go, because they have got a lot better. They aren’t brittle and flaky like they used to be and they are great for stopping your mascara from running on hot and humid days.
3. Carry blotting papers
Nothing says that you are feeling the heat more than a slick T-zone. So, here is another great beauty secret for hot weather: carry a pack of blotters with you, and with just one quick press, you’ll eliminate shine in seconds.
4. Ice
before you apply
There are
many makeup experts who swear by the ice cube trick for hot weather makeup.
Before you apply any makeup, gently rub your face with an ice cube and then pat
your skin dry. The cold of the ice cube tightens the skin and closes up the
pores and your makeup will go on smoother and last for longer.