
Saturday, 28 February 2015

10 Foods That Can Enhance Your Skin and Hair

Do you know the specific hormone responsible for YOUR body's most stubborn fat? Keep reading to find out the exact foods you need to eat to STOP hormone related fat storage year after year...
When regularly choosing natural foods, you eat a healthy diet. So why not follow suit with your beauty routine? Many foods that are healthy to eat also offer powerful benefits for your skin and hair — and they've found their way into a wide variety of beauty products. "A lot of chemicals can cause irritation, while natural ingredients tend to be absorbed well and contain actual antioxidants and enzymes in their purest, most potent form," says Deborah Long will, MD, a dermatologist at the Miami Center for Dermatology. Check out these natural ingredients that can aid your beauty regimen.

This fragrant herb, most commonly used in Indian curries, is also prized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has long been used to treat eczema and is known to speed wound healing. Recent research suggests that turmeric may also help firm aging skin, and it's the star ingredient in some natural skin creams. A rich golden yellow, turmeric is also used as a fabric dye, but don't worry — the hue won't transfer to your skin. 

The buzz about this popular breakfast food usually focuses on its cholesterol-lowering effects, though if you stop there, you're selling this "superfood" short. Oatmeal can also soothe rashes and irritations caused by poisonous plants, such as poison ivy and oak, as well as pain and itching caused by chicken pox and sunburn. Simply sprinkle some dry oatmeal into a lukewarm bath and soak for 10 minutes. Because of its grainy texture, oatmeal is also ideal for gentle skin exfoliation: Mix with warm water, apply to your face with circular motions, let dry for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has been revered for centuries as a natural moisturizer, and with good reason. “Oliveoil is ultrahydrating,” says Dr. Longwill. It creates a barrier that protects dry skin and is particularly helpful for people who have psoriasis or eczema. Use it straight from the bottle — yes, the same olive oil you use to make healthy salad dressings — to slather on after a shower. Or try it as a homemade hair treatment for split ends. “Hair follicles absorb olive oil nicely,” says Longwill. You can find olive oil in numerous skin and hair care products, including soaps, facial washes, moisturizers, shampoos, and conditioners.

Known as nature’ssweetener, honey is also Mother Nature’s antiseptic — it has been proven tohelp speed the healing of wounds and superficial burns. Because it killsbacteria, Longwill recommends products that contain honey to her patients withacne. In addition, honey is an effective skin moisturizer. Look for honey inlip balms, soaps, and moisturizers, among other skin care products.


As we progress into our forties, fifties, and beyond, our skin cells turn over less frequently, causing a duller appearance. That’s where pumpkin can help. It contains an enzyme that gently peels away dead skin, speeding the production of new cells. In addition, pumpkin is rich in essential fatty acids, which hydrate the skin, and the antioxidant vitamins A and C, which fight free radicals that can age skin. Look for pumpkin products in facial and body peels and in treatments for the hair and scalp.


While you would never apply salmon directly to your face or body, cold-water fish like salmon contain DMAE, short for dimethylaminoethanol, a compound that helps rejuvenate skin. You can get the benefits of DMAE by eating cold-water fish or by applying it to your skin by means of creams and moisturizers. Products that contain DMAE are thought to help firm skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 


Seaweed is a popular skin care ingredient across the globe, especially in Japan and France. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and is thought to have a host of cosmetic benefits, including reducing inflammation and irritation, cleansing, firming, and softening. Because seaweed is also thought to help improve circulation, it’s a key ingredient in many cellulite-reducing creams and is used in detoxifying body wraps at spas. Several varieties of seaweed are used in skin care products.

Green Tea

The many health benefits of drinking green tea are widely known — it can help reduce cholesterol and may protect against certain cancers and glaucoma. When applied to your skin, green tea is a potent antioxidant that helps skin retain moisture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, says Longwill. Look for green tea in facial and body washes, masks, and moisturizers. For a refreshing treat, apply green tea bags dampened with cold water to your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.


Aloe, which is instantly cooling and soothing, has been used medicinally for years to heal light burns, including those caused by the sun and certain chemicals. Its gel provides a barrier that protects against irritants and bacteria, and it hydrates and reduces inflammation. For the most potent burn relief, break a piece straight from a plant and squeeze the gel directly onto the burn. Moisturizers and other products that contain aloe are generally nonirritating, so they are a good choice for people with sensitive skin.


The benefits ofthis trendy berry are not just hype. Acai berries, found in the Amazon jungle,contain a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fattyacids. When this super food is added to moisturizers, it may help neutralizeoxidative stress and protect skin against signs of sun damage. In addition,acai is known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and to even out skin tone.

Discover the UNDENIABLE Facts Proving Why The World's Most Popular Weight Loss Programs Will NEVER Eliminate Your Trouble Spots!


 Weight Watchers is arguably the most popular and successful weight loss program in the world. People from all backgrounds and ages use these types of calorie counting programs with varying degrees of success.
These programs can help you lose your initial easy to lose pounds of body fat but I can promise you that they WILL NOT remove the hard to lose trouble spot fat found around your hips, low back, lower belly area or back of your arms.
This is because Weight Watchers (and the hundreds of other programs like it) are only focused on one aspect of the weight loss equation- reducing calorie intake.
What they don't tell you is the world's most popular diets that have you counting points, measuring all of your foods and scrutinizing the calorie content of every single morsel of food you put in your mouth may help you to lose the first few pounds of the "easy to lose fat" ...

However, these so called "solutions" DO NOT take into account the most important factor to losing your most frustrating pockets of hard to lose cellulite and "trouble spot" fat- YOUR HORMONES...

                                                  Stay Smart; Stay BEAUTIFUL!


10 Steps to Speed Weight Loss

   Is Weight loss a problem to you? - then you already know it's the little things that add up — the "little bit more" at the dinner buffet, the "little bit tootight" feeling of your clothes. But what if you also knew about the little things you could do every day to increase your weight- loss success? Here they are. 

1. Switch up your snacks : First of all, watch mindless snacking, "[Those calories] really add up." Instead of grazing on the baked goodies in the break room, have a plan for healthy snacks that combines a little bit of fat, protein, and crunch, such as apple slices smeared with peanut butter. If you are counting calories, doing the math may help: a pound is the equivalent of 3,500 calories, so if you can cut 100 calories out of your day, you will lose a pound in just over a month. 

2. Cut out high-calorie condiments and sugars: "Instead of getting a coffee with sugar, try Splenda," says Banes. Likewise, try mustard on your burger or sandwich instead of mayonnaise, and order your salad dressing on the side so that you can control the amount you eat. 

3. Hoof it: Exercise is key. People who manage at least 150 minutes of activity a week are more successful with weight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a bit farther from your destination so you have to walk. This will add extra exercise — and burn more calories.

5. Try the veggie-loaded plate method: Banes recommends using your plate to guide your food selection and portion sizes. One half of the plate should be vegetables. The other side can be split between protein and starchy carbohydrates. If you decide to get a second plate, says Banes, it had better be all vegetables. People who eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day are more successful with weight loss. 

6. Skip the fast food: A study of 1,713 adults who have been successful with weight loss demonstrated that people who eat at fast-food restaurants less than twice a week have greater success with their weight loss. "If you do eat fast foods, don't supersize it," says Banes, and try to opt for a salad, small portions, or "get baked, not fried." 

7. Limit the calories you drink: While most people understand sugary sodas add calories, Banes sees a misconception when it comes to sweet tea and juices. Sweetened tea is no less calorie-dense than soda, and you'd be better off eating the fruit than drinking the juice, advises Banes. 

8. Be accountable: Whether you have a diet buddy you check in with, a support group, or a food diary, keeping track of your daily food choices takes only a few minutes, but can double your weight-loss success. 

9. Order smaller portions: Data suggests that people who order smaller portions or share a plate at restaurants are more successful with weight loss. Banes recommends ordering the lunch portion, an appetizer, or a children's meal — or put up to half your meal into a doggy bag before you begin eating. 

10. Acknowledge your success: People who believe they can succeed with weight loss actually do lose weight more successfully. How do you gain this confidence? Take a moment to pat yourself on the back when you make healthy choices and achieve your short-term goals. 

                                               Stay Smart; Stay Beautiful!

12 Simple Ways to Be a More Attractive Beauty

As beautiful queens that we are,we all want a common feature, and that is to be more attractive. But the purpose for being attractive varies. What’s yours? Well, you needn’t share! To strike your attractive physique, maintain these tips and you will be surprised seeing how magically they work!

#1 Keep Smile

Keep a smile on your face. When you smile, you look more friendly and approachable. People feel comfort to deal with you. No matter what your are feeling inside, smile!

#2 Maintain Facial Hair

It is important to take care of facial hair. Men should shave regularly. If you want to maintain long beard, you should keep that neat and trim. Women should shape eyebrows properly.

#3 Keep Hair Tip-top

Your hair is just like your crown! So take care of it. A nice look is the first step to attract someone. Get regular haircuts as it is important for your hair to be healthy. Keep your hair clean and tidy. It is really important for attractive appearance.

#4 Wear Fit Clothes

Your dress is really important. People like one who is dressed properly. So, take care of what you are wearing. Buy the clothes that fit you properly. Oversized or too tight clothes make you look odd.


#5 Maintain Proper Eye Contact

Proper eye contact is important when you are talking to someone. If you maintain eye contact properly, people will feel important and be happy. Some people feel shy to maintain eye contact. That’s not a big problem. Start with your close ones. Maintain proper eye contact while talking to them. Then, try it with strangers.

#6 Walk Confidently

Be confident while walking. Do you know how to walk with confidence? Keeping your body relaxed and holding eyes and head up help you look confident. Making you look confident is a great part of being attractive

#7 Smell Nice

No one likes one who smells bad. All your efforts to make yourself attractive can end in smoke if you smell bad. So be careful about this fact. Take shower every day and use deodorant regularly. Brush your teeth properly. You may use medication to get rid of bad breath.

#8 Be Relaxed

Are you seared all the time thinking what others are thinking of you? If yes, you should fight to kick away this habit. Be confident and open yourself to others. Communicate with them and be easy. Nervousness isn’t liked. So, be confident and relaxed while dealing with people.

#9 Laugh and Make Laugh

There’s a saying, “laughter is a good medicine”. When you laugh, people around you feel comfortable and are more likely to be happy with you. Laughter can make you look attractive. Most importantly, if you can make people laugh you make them happy. And you are treated with the same emotions.

#10 Body Language

Your body language is important. If you look busy in your body language, people are likely to avoid you. They will think that you don’t want to be disturbed. But if you are easy and relaxed, people will feel comfortable to approach you.

#11 Ask Questions

Don’t try to speak about you all the time. While gossiping with someone ask questions. But don’t ask anything inappropriate. When you ask questions, people think that you are interested to know about them and they feel important.

#12 Wear Bright Color

Wear colorful clothes. Be careful to avoid some colors which can be inappropriate because of the tone of your skin or the ambience of the place to go. Usually, bright colors attract people. You also look more confident.

Clear Up Your Skin With These Tips


           Most times, acne can be an embarrassing problem to deal with and many people aren't sure how to handle it. The secret to clear skin can be different for everyone but the following article will give you some tips and advice on how to handle your acne problem once and for all.
Sometimes nothing is wrong with your skin and yet you still have acne. If this is the case, it may be genetics pitted against you. If people in your family have breakouts, there is a pretty good chance that you might get them to. If this is the case and if things like gentle washing and eating right do not work on your breakouts, seek the advice of a dermatologist.
Commercially available over-the-counter medication can help in the battle against acne. The best types of medication are those with anti-bacterial ingredients. Bacteria are one of the most significant contributors to acne problems, so creams and treatments designed to fight them can have a great effect. Following manufacturer's directions will increase the effectiveness of such medications.
Skin care treatments containing salicylic acid are very effective in treating acne. This major ingredient combined with hydroxyl acids help the skin shed dead cells quicker.
Something very important to keep in mind about skin care is to not use too much makeup. It clogs the pores of your skin, making it more difficult for your skin to breathe, and exacerbates blackheads, whiteheads, and other inflammation. It is best to wear as little as you can.
One of the best treatments that you can try is micro-needling for your acne scars. This process uses a roller with hundreds of small needles that puncture your skin. Over time, your collagen will grow back, filling in your acne. This treatment is great for deep, cystic acne scarring.

Women who use makeup brushes to apply makeup once or more daily are at risk for serious skin irritation and acne. Bacteria, grime, and dead skin cells can get trapped in the bristles and fibers of cosmetic brushes and sponges. To prevent breakouts, discard sponge applicators after each use, and thoroughly cleanse your brushes with a mild wash or shampoo.
You have to understand that acne is a natural process that your body undergoes. You can not freak out and panic. Most mild acne will cure itself within a month or two, so you should not be in fear. Just let your body go through its natural processes to stay healthy.
Acne is a natural bodily response. You should never invest in a product that you see on the internet or that you see on TV that guarantees your acne will go away in an hour. These products almost always are all hype, which will leave you without money and with acne.
If you are using acne fighting topical products, make sure to use a good moisturizer as well. The ingredients that help to fight acne can also be extremely drying on your skin. If you suffer from oily skin, try using a gel based moisturizer and if you have dry skin use one that is cream or lotion based.
Using a toner on your face can help your skin to reset the Ph levels that it should have. Using this will prevent your skin from becoming over dry and reduce the amount of oil left behind. This will help you keep your acne in check so you will have a beautiful clear face.
As previously mentioned, acne is an embarrassing problem most people aren't exactly sure how to handle. After reading this article and putting these tips to use, you will find your acne problem will be much easier to deal with. You will finally be on your way to clear skin forever.