Researches have proved that a specific protein believed to cause male pattern baldness.The protein found in the scalp is being tested to see whether certain drugs will be effective in controlling it. The protein, prostaglandin D2 or PGD2 was found in excessive amounts in bald spots on the scalp. Merck’s treatment is centered round facial flushing and Actelion’s treatment is into allergy compounds. For both treatments the studies are in the late stages; they are concerned with blocking the protein. At present, nearly 8 out of 10 men experience some signs of balding by the age of 60; the statistics represent fair-skinned males. Merck’s Propecia drug and Johnson & Johnson’s Rogaine slow the loss of hair and in some cases promote minor growth. It is believed that men with hair loss problems will be able to experience hair growth if the prostaglandin protein is removed. What is not sure is whether the hair follicle will return to former lengths to produce long hairs. Researchers studied all the genes found in the scalp samples taken from 5 men to make a comparison of bald to hairy parts. All the samples showed high levels of prostaglandin in the bald samples as compared to the hairy samples. Following up on these findings led the researchers to identify that in 17 men with hair loss, the PGD2 levels were 3 times higher in the bald areas than in areas with hair growth. Using mice, the study further proved that excessive PGD2 levels decreased the follicles. From previous studies, it has been proven that even in bald persons the stem cells responsible for creating hair remain intact. Further, the hair follicles are there, only in a smaller size producing short, thin hair that over time barely passes the skin’ surface. While final studies are still being conducted and not specifically into hair loss but other areas, there is a distinct possibility that the new findings will open doors. A cure for male pattern baldness. In a totally unrelated study conducted by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, researchers identified abnormally high levels of prostaglandin, a lipid in the scalp of men who were bald. We can hope that these breakthroughs herald new treatments for one of the most common hair loss problems in men. All the Goodness of Nettle Root for Hair Loss Nettle root is also called stinging nettle and common nettle; it is a good herbal hair loss treatment option. But there really isn’t any scientific evidence to back up the claims that it can prevent hair loss or enhance hair growth. However, using it does not do any real harm unless the person is taking some special medication. The plant has been around for centuries and used to treat diverse illnesses. The nettle originated in Asia and northern Europe, but can now be found in various parts of the world. The nettle plant has thin hairs on the stem and leaves that sting when touched, giving it its name. The root is frequently used to treat prostate gland problems. Reasons For Hair Loss. There are numerous reasons why people experience hair loss. One of the more common reasons is due to Dihydrotestosterone, a real tongue twister name so let’s stick to DHT. Testosterone gets converted into DHT which then attaches itself to hair follicles preventing nutrients from reaching the follicles to nourish them. The result is a shortened life span of the hair follicles causing the hair to fall faster than it normally should. DHT can also cause shrinkage of hair follicles making the hair thinner and finer so that it breaks easily. Hair loss is also attributed to other factors that include aging, thyroid, stress, fungal infections, diabetes, certain medicines and pregnancy. Hormonal changes can also cause hair loss. How does nettle root help with hair loss? It is believed that nettle root has the necessary properties to block and suppress testosterone from being converted to DHT. Blocking DHT production means there is a reduction in hair loss. There are no studies proving the efficacy of this herb. Nettle root is available in different forms including: dry extract, liquid extract, dried root and root tincture. Each type of nettle root preparation needs to be taken in specific doses. There are various shampoos on sale that contain nettle root. Side effects of nettle root There are hardly any side effects to taking nettle root treatment for hair loss. In the odd rare case, fluid retention or an upset tummy can happen. People who are on blood thinning medicine need to consult with a physician before taking nettle root, as it may have blood thinning properties. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised not to take nettle root treatments without consulting a doctor. Alopecia Hair Loss Treatments Alopecia refers to a hair loss problem that stems from various causes including age, disease, lifestyle, medication and hereditary factors. Hair experts can judge the cause from the progression of the hair loss and the timing. Sudden hair loss for example, is generally attributed to illness, medical treatments such as chemotherapy or dietary changes. Hair loss that occurs gradually is more a hereditary problem and part of the normal aging process.
This type of alopecia is one of the most common hair loss problems and can be seen in men and women. Other types of alopecia include: • Very sudden hair loss with the person losing their hair in patches needs to be evaluated by a healthcare specialist. This could be the symptom of some underlying illness; it may be an autoimmune disease causing the hair to fall. • Hair follicles can get destroyed due to thyroid, anemia and anorexic diseases. It can also happen as a side effect from certain medications such as medicines used to treat heart ailments, high blood pressure and depression. • The patterns of hair loss in men and women vary significantly; in men hair loss generally occurs near the hairline, on top of the scalp or at the back of the head. In women, hair loss occurs predominantly in the front and on top of the scalp. Hair loss is a huge problem in America with a staggering 80 million or more men and women facing the problem. Alopecia treatment After all the bad news, it is heartening to know that there is good news to follow. There are several different kinds of treatment for hair loss. When hair loss is the symptom of a medical problem, the problem needs to be treated first. Hereditary hair loss treatments in the form of hair regrowth therapies and some over-the counter treatments are available. There are also surgical techniques for the transplanting of hair. The first step towards a healthier hair growth is to consult a physician who will probably run some tests to make a diagnosis. Sometimes, the general physician will recommend the patient to a dermatologist, if the hair loss is related to a skin problem. Only after identifying the cause will a doctor prescribe treatment. Apart from over-the-counter treatments, hair transplantation, scalp flaps, laser treatment and scalp reduction are some of the alopecia treatments available. Alopecia by itself does not give rise to any complications; the only problem really is the loss of self-confidence when hair loss is experienced. Anti Hair Loss Shampoos to Prevent Hair Loss People are constantly searching for information on the internet about shampoos for hair loss. Anyone who has actually experienced the mental anguish of losing excessive amounts of hair knows what it is to be constantly seeking the right hair loss shampoo; a miracle shampoo that will stop the hair loss and promote hair growth. The question we want to find answers to is do such products really exist and if they do, how do they work? One thing we do know is that shampoos are an inexpensive solution to the rather exorbitantly priced hair loss treatments available today. The act of going to the store and selecting a shampoo that lays claim to stopping hair fall does not involve much effort or pain – or money. There are several misconceptions that people labor under in believing that they have chosen the right shampoo. If a shampoo lathers well, some people believe it’s the best because it gives them really clean hair – not true. Excessive lathering means the shampoo is too harsh for the hair and is going to promote hair fall rather than hair loss. Shampoos with surfactants in them need to be avoided; it is the chemical that produces all that lovely lather that is not really good for us. Make the effort to find shampoos without this ingredient. The best shampoos need to prevent hair loss so it would follow that the ingredients should be in line with this thinking. Saw Palmetto is a good ingredient for shampoos to have – it blocks the hormone DHT that causes hair loss. What exactly does DHT do? It causes shrinkage of the hair follicles which will eventually die causing hair loss and ultimately baldness. Nettle Bay is another useful ingredient for a shampoo to have and a few essential oils will also help. Lavender for example helps to stimulate new growth. In reality, there are no studies that prove anti hair loss shampoos are effective in preventing hair loss. Shampoos will certainly not help in cases where hair loss is hereditary or caused by hormonal changes. Similarly, shampoos will not help when a certain medication is triggering the hair loss. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor to identify the true cause of the problem and treat the cause rather than just trying to treat the symptoms. A dermatologist can help with advice on the best shampoos to use to prevent further loss of hair. Ayurveda Tips to Keep Hair Luxurious and Healthy Why do some women enjoy luxurious hair growth while others don’t? Genetics plays an important role in the kind of hair we are born with. However, regardless of the type of hair we are naturally endowed with, it is possible to enjoy a thick and healthy mop of hair by practicing a few traditional tips from the ancient Ayurveda practice to keep rather than lose one’s hair. • Diet is one of the important aspects of healthy hair; the two are closely linked. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy products, oily fish, and nuts and seeds, will help in providing the nutrients necessary to maintain healthy hair. • Stress can cause hair fall, loss in hair pigmentation and health problems. While it is not easy to get rid of stress when experiencing traumatic situations in life, we need to try. Meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques and exercise can all help in alleviating stress. Get involved in certain hobbies such as gardening, sewing, volunteer work, etc. When we take the time to do things for others, we tend to forget our own problems, this leads to a reduction of the stress levels we labor under. • Refined foods and canned foods cannot help you stay healthy because of all the chemicals, other additives and preservatives in the food. These foods have no natural nutrition to provide the body. Avoid icy drinks as they inhibit digestion and the absorption of nutrients. • There are certain ingredients you can add to cooking that are considered hair-friendly. Turmeric, black pepper and cumin are some of the spices you can add. Try roasting spices and grinding to a powder; add it to yogurt for daily consumption and ultimately healthy hair. • There are a number of Ayurvedic herbs that are known for their hair nourishing properties; stress reducing abilities and balancing effects. Brahmi or Gotu Kola, Eclipta Alba and many others are all available from alternative medicine Ayurveda clinics and stores. • Massage the scalp at least twice a week with warm oil to stimulate the scalp and provide moisturization. Coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil, are all good choices. Apply the oil by gently massaging it into the scalp and then leave it on for a few hours before using an all-natural herbal shampoo to remove the oil. Massaging the head with oil has the added benefit of provide relaxation as well. Best Tips for Hair Loss Problems. Hair loss need not necessarily be treated as a disease; however, we cannot minimize the extensive suffering it causes the individual. If you are experiencing misery over the loss of your hair you will be in a better position to understand why it is so painful. Let us talk of how hair loss happens and ways to stop the hair loss. In the traditional sense, hair loss has a lot of negativity associated with it; in the subconscious it is associated with growing old and the loss of one’s beauty. Premature hair loss can really cause a person to experience great emotional turmoil and may lead to depression and withdrawal from social circles. The following selected tips have been used effectively in stopping hair fall, but it should be remembered that what works for one person may not necessarily work for others. Are you flushing your system? We need a lot of water each day to rid the body of the toxins that collect inside us. We all know about the mandatory 8 glasses a day; it is quite all right to exceed this number. Toxins account for a large portion of the hair loss problems. Filtered water does not have elements such as lead or chlorine in it; this is necessary for healthy hair. Pop a multi-vitamin pill every day: major hair fall can be a clear indicator that there are a number of missing nutrients in your system. Together with a balanced diet, we also need some vitamin supplements to replenish the deficiencies quickly. The longer the deficiencies remain in the body, the worse the hair fall problem becomes. Multivitamin supplements can be purchased at any health food store or pharmacy. You can talk to your doctor before buying the tablets to find out what is best for you. A hard one for most people: cut down on caffeine. Caffeine acts as a diuretic making you go more frequently to the toilet with the result that you release more fluids than is needed. This causes dehydration; a state many of us are not even aware of, which in turn affects the hair. Limit caffeine intake and substitute with a cup of herbal tea or plain water. Bottom line, when the nutrients in the body are insufficient to do their jobs, the imbalance affects various functions in the body including the way the hair grows. Damaged follicles due to poor nutrition will result in hair loss. Causes of Bald Spots in Women In women, hair loss is rarely in the form of patches or bald spots. However, this does not mean that it will never happen because there are conditions that can cause it to happen. Women can experience hair loss in patches due to a medical condition or other underlying causes. This problem seldom occurs in women, but if it does, it generally happens during the menopause change or soon after menopause occurs. The following are the different types of hair loss and the causes in women. Androgenic alopecia This type of hair loss is commonly experienced in men and is referred to as male pattern baldness. Despite the name, women too can experience a similar type of baldness pattern where the hair thins extensively and bald patches appear on the top of the scalp and on the sides too. The hair loss is caused by the hormone DHT blocking the hair follicles and causing shrinkage and thinning hair. Hair loss can be due to genetic reasons or the high level of circulating androgens caused by some other condition. In women, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, pregnancy, birth control medication and peri-menopause can cause this type of baldness. Treatment The FDA has approved minoxidil for treating bald patches; it is a topical application and is used to treat androgenic hair loss. There are other medications and some corticosteroids that doctors may recommend to treat the problem. Alopecia Areata Alopecia areata is another type of hair loss that affects women and men; it causes baldness in spots on the scalp. This type of hair loss is very sudden and the shape of the patch is generally round. The hair follicles get attacked by the body’s immune system by mistake. Rather a costly one from the point of view of the person experiencing the hair loss! The good news is that the problem is temporary provided the cause is identified and treated without delay. Hair growth generally resumes as normal and in some cases it can happen without treatment as well. Treatment Steroid injections and creams, minoxidil and cyclosporine among other treatments may be recommended by the doctor to treat alopecia areata. Treatments vary depending on the nature of the problem, the real reason behind the baldness and the health of the individual. For example, a fungal infection on the scalp will need a different kind of treatment such as appropriate antifungal medications. You can help yourself by following a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. Make sure to get some exercise at least three to four times a week. Change Your Lifestyle to Keep Your Hair Living as we do in a world of excessive luxury and self-satisfaction, we often tend to over-indulge. This in turn leads to a number of health problems because let’s face it; too much of a good thing really is too bad. Let us take food for example, the occasional burger is fine, a little self-indulgence can make you feel happy. But scarfing junk food daily is only going to lead to obesity, which in turn will trigger numerous other health problems. Then you have acne and spotty skin from all the grease; digestive problems from trying to digest the overload of fat and so the list goes on. At some point, poor dietary habits will affect our hair because the body has to absorb nutrients and farm them out to the scalp. Without nourishment the roots will die and the hair will fall out. The most expensive shampoos or hair treatments will not work. Amidst all the sophisticated medications, laser treatments, hair transplants and other forms of treatment, there’s one basic type of treatment that we prefer to overlook. Making changes to our lifestyle – this is actually a very powerful type of treatment. For example, if you have an extremely stressful job that is causing you a great deal of dread, and making you sick to the stomach with stress, don’t you think it’s time to get a new job? No job is worth so much misery. And how will you be able to work anyway if you fall ill? When we suffer from stress day in and day out, it has to have an outlet somewhere and the targeted outlet is often your hair. Excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and taking drugs will eventually lead to the total disintegration of the body’s functions. Included in this disintegration will be your hair. The alcohol prevents essential nutrients from reaching the follicles so hair starts to die and fall out. Because there is a lack of sufficient nutrition, new hair cannot grow. Excessive stress and nutritional deficiencies can both cause hair loss. There are several essential oils such as rosemary or sage that can be used to massage the scalp to nourish and stimulate hair growth. More importantly, getting rid of addictive habits that only lead to damaged hair is the better option. Cut down on the alcohol consumption, throw away the cigarettes, and start eating a healthy diet that provides the body with all its essential nutrients. Coping with Hair Loss in Young Women Hair loss is bad enough as we grow older, but to have it happen at a young age is really unthinkable. Sadly, it does happen to some young women and men. The guys of course have their macho armor to fall back on. Young ladies really have a very rough time of it. Friends can be cruel and some of them secretly gloating over your misfortune can really cut to the quick. If you are plagued with questions about what to do, please keep reading to find some useful information. Maybe you have just had the unwelcome experience of having your perfect world shattered by finding a mass of hair on your pillow! You feel your head immediately, but the hair appears to be all there. Over the next week more of the same happens with increasing frequency. Your heart races and you begin imagining yourself bald, why you are probably picturing yourself locked away like Rapunzel in the children’s fable. In trying to make light of the situation one cannot avoid the scary reality that young women are losing their hair. ‘Why is this happening to me’ is probably the universal question all young women experiencing hair loss are asking. We want to discuss why hair loss happens in young women. But before we do, lets cover something positive – how to treat hair loss in young women. Treatment is generally decided based on the cause of the problem. For example, a nutritional deficiency can be corrected by making changes to the diet and taking a vitamin supplement to provide the missing nutrients. When trauma or stress is involved, therapy sessions with a specialist can help to pinpoint the actual causes for the stress. Once the causes are identified suitable steps can be taken to remove the person from the stressful situation or remove the stress from the person’s life. Trauma is something that happens and we go through; it cannot be removed, but we can learn to cope with the devastating effects. Regular hair massages are very beneficial in helping the blood to circulate more freely. Improved circulation leads to better hair growth. There are topical creams and lotions, medications, hair weaving and hair transplanting options to treat the problem depending on how severe it is. Back tracking to the causes; these can range from trauma, stress, nutrition deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, disease and infection.
There are many other causes such as hereditary causes and reactions to certain medications. Essential Vitamins to Keep Your Hair Intact. Hair loss, the very term makes us shudder - even with a thick mop of hair we feel an element of dread at the thought of losing any hair. For some people it’s not just dread, but unfortunately a reality. It is really a terrible thing to start losing your hair. This can happen at any age and for any number of reasons. Sometimes doctors only end up frustrating us with the long list of possibilities they throw at us. Seriously, by the time we explore the list, we could be really old and baldness will no longer be a problem! Hair loss is actually becoming more common as more people start having hair loss problems at different stages in life. Very young people and even teenagers can experience hair loss. One of the main reasons why people suffer from hair loss apart from genetic reasons is the deficiency of essential vitamins in the body. When we eat, the vitamins from the food are absorbed into the body and passed on to the various parts of the body. Vitamins serve to nourish and strengthen various parts of the body specifically, and the entire body as a whole. The problem of hair loss arises when the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the food is hindered. When this problem arises, doctors will first identify what is causing the block in nutrient absorption. If the body has lost its ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, then supplements will be prescribed in pill or tonic form to restore the nutrient balance in the body. Benefits of vitamins to hair include blocking the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the primary reason for hair loss. Vitamins also revitalize damaged hair follicles, nourish the scalp, heal infections and promote hair growth. • B vitamins are essential for the prevention of hair loss. Folic acid is a part of the B vitamins group and when there is a deficiency it leads to premature greying of hair. B vitamins are plentiful in natural foods such as cauliflower, eggs, peas and beans. • Vitamin C is very useful in increasing blood circulation in the scalp and making sure that the follicles receive an adequate supply of nutrients. The daily dose that is recommended for us is 2000mg. • Biotin is necessary to maintain healthy hair and skin; it may help in the prevention or slowing down of male pattern baldness. It can be found in sunflower seeds, soybeans, lentils, walnuts, oats and green peas. • Vitamin E is needed to improve the health of the scalp, provide oxygen to blood and assist in blood circulation. Exploring Hair Loss Remedies Is thinning hair or maybe falling hair slowly taking over your life, causing you stress and constant worry. We know that no one really likes losing their hair, and we want to help you understand what is happening to your crowning glory. As more hair care products hit the market, and incomes and standards of living rise, people often try new products to make the hair appear more beautiful. The television and the movies are powerful motivators in making us want to look beautiful. When we see a beautiful woman advertising hair care products, we seldom stop to think that we want the look more than the product itself. Hair loss has actually become a very big industry today; people of all ages are experiencing hair loss and seeking instant solutions. Alopecia or baldness can attack anyone at any time. Quite simply put, baldness occurs when the hair follicles stop producing hair. There are different types of hair loss from the progressive type where men mostly, start going bald from the front to the sides and on to the top of the head. Another type of hair loss is hair falling out in patches which can happen to men or women due to some hormonal imbalance or harsh medication. The most severe type is total loss of hair; it is not known for sure whether hereditary factors are involved. Modern science is still working on the problem. The myth that very brainy people often go bald is just that - a myth. There are several reasons why people can start losing hair, but a surplus in the brains department is not the cause of hair fall. Experts on hair loss often claim that excessive stress can lead to hair fall. This may be true because too much stress leads to other problems in the body. For example, stress can cause a lack of appetite through worrying all the time. When the scalp does not get the nourishment it needs, the hair cannot grow properly. Dating back to the time of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the obsession with hair and the loss of it has been recorded in the annals of history. No real solution has ever been found to completely cure baldness. Today, thanks to huge advancements in medical science, we have laser treatments and hair transplant surgery to help rectify a bad situation. Hair loss does not occur without some underlying problem; a consultation with a doctor is necessary to find out what the real problem is. Normally, treating the real problem clears up the hair loss as well. Finding Hair Loss Remedies that Help Hair loss requires time and patience to explore the problem satisfactorily and appropriately deal with it. However, we should not be too complacent because hair loss can be an early warning sign of a serious medical problem. It may be safe to say that hair loss is often caused by some underlying problem. A doctor is the best person to consult to determine what the real cause for the hair loss is. Since the first step is to find out why your hair is falling, it is recommended not to waste time seeking medical assistance. There are many different causes for hair loss which can be temporary or permanent. Some hair loss problems require medical treatment, others do not. Hair loss causes that are commonly found to be at the root of the problem include medication, genetics, diet, excessive use of harsh hair treatments, illness, addictive habits and stress. One of the most common and harmless (except to the ego) of all hair loss problems is male pattern baldness. For this type of problem it is not recommended that you take any medical treatment. The problem does not have its roots in any medical condition. Doctors generally recommend commercial hair restorative treatments, a hairpiece or hair transplant surgery. Some types of hair loss that are caused by our own actions have a very simple remedy. Stop the action and give the hair follicles time to heal and get their strength back again. The hair will stop falling once the follicles are healthy enough. Undergoing too many hair treatments that use harsh chemicals only serves to damage the follicles and stop the growth of hair. In a similar manner, excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine can prevent hair growth and result in hair fall. Hair loss caused by pregnancy and child birth is due to hormonal changes in the body that will clear up automatically after the birth of the baby. There are some causes of hair loss that require medical treatment for the problem to stop or be reversed. If you have a thyroid problem for example, or anemia, high fever, infection, etc. only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment. First, the illness has to be treated and completely cured. Normally, once the underlying medical condition is treated, the hair loss problem will resolve itself. Only in rare cases will further treatment be required. Some people choose to seek medical help when the hair loss has no medical problem causing it. This type of hair loss may be permanent and soon becomes noticeable and embarrassing. Hair restoration treatments may be the best option in such cases. Follicle Injections to Treat Hair Loss Hair loss is a term we are hearing about with increasing frequency. The problem is targeting men and women of different ages because of diverse factors. There are several different types of treatments including surgical procedures that have a good success rate. However, if you are not too keen on going through a prolonged surgical procedure, you can choose follicle injection treatment, which is based on the new cloning style treatment. This type of treatment is not yet available to the public at large, but is shaping up to be a winner in giving new life to dying hair. Follicle injections are based on two older treatments involving transplanting hair from either the individual’s own body or from someone else. Transplanting body hair to the scalp has not always proven successful; body hair does not fare well on the scalp which is probably why it grows well on the body in the first place. The second method is also not very successful because transplanted tissue faces a high risk of rejection. Follicle injection is based on the earlier transplanting concept, but makes use of the individual’s own hair so the risk of rejection is practically non-existent. This type of treatment will work only for people who have at least a small percentage of healthy follicles still producing hair. Follicles comprise a number of different cell types and cloning some of them is possible. Healthy hair follicles are removed from the person’s scalp for the treatment. While the entire follicle cannot be rebuilt, part of the framework can be constructed to trigger the scalp into completing the process. From one donor follicle, several cells can be cultured in a laboratory. Once the cells are ready, they are injected into the scalp. The downside to the treatment is that each follicle framework needs to be injected individually into the scalp in the position where it is meant to be. We are talking about probably hundreds of injections to provide a reasonable coverage of one bald patch. You can think of it as getting a tattoo on the scalp because the injections are not deep-penetrating. Treatment is generally administered in several sessions because of the number of injections involved. The scalp is bound to feel a great deal of itchiness after receiving so many pokes; however, you cannot scratch. Take some paracetemol to help control the itch. Follicles generally take a few days to settle into their new homes, get accustomed to the environment and then get busy producing hair. Foods that Help You Keep Your Hair There are a number of factors that lead to hair loss including poor nutrition, thyroid disease, medication, hormonal problems and chemotherapy. Have you ever noticed that in some cultures people have very luxurious hair growth with limited hair loss problems? In western society the hair loss problem is pretty wide spread because the diet people consume lacks essential nutrients. Overeating is not the solution, because the body can still be deprived of its nutrients. The body needs a large number of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and phytonutrients to enjoy overall good health. The foods we eat will determine how healthy the hair growth is and whether we get to keep our hair or it falls off due to lack of nutrients. The following list is a guide to what needs to be consumed and why these foods should be consumed. Readers are recommended to do further research to enhance the list. • Soy beans: iron helps with the production of hemoglobin that provides the tissues with oxygen and vitamin E helps the blood to circulate better in the scalp area. Soy beans have high levels of both iron and vitamin E. Try adding boiled beans to salads and meat dishes. • Chickpeas: another very useful type of beans filled with vitamin B6 and zinc, both of which are necessary for healthy hair. Zinc works in conjunction with vitamin A to build protein for the hair. Deficiency in zinc and vitamin A leads to dandruff, which may result in hair loss problems. Chickpeas can be added to salads, and meat and poultry dishes. • Almonds: most people are under the misguided impression that almonds cause high cholesterol levels. Almonds are one of the best sources of iron, protein and vitamin E. It is also a cholesterol lowering food. High cholesterol can lead to hair loss and almonds can help prevent this from happening. • Milk: cow’s milk is a good source of iodine that provides calcium for strong bones, teeth and healthy hair. Milk that is fortified with calcium, protein and vitamins is a good all round source of nutrients for healthy hair. • Whole wheat: contains silica and iron; silica is seldom found in western diets. It is very necessary because it helps the body to absorb nutrients more effectively. • Fish: certain oily fishes such as salmon, mackerels and sardines among others are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. These essential acids can help to nourish the follicles to promote healthy hair growth and prevent balding. Hair Loss – Get Timely Help The first time we spot a few extra hairs in the brush or on the pillow and we are plunged into the very depths of misery. For women, the loss of their hair is truly unthinkable, and it’s not all that easy for the guys either. Hair loss is treatable, but baldness is not always curable. It depends on the individual and the severity of the problem. For the most part, severe hair loss leads eventually to baldness that is permanent. There are baldness treatments that have shown positive results, but finding a permanent cure may be difficult. Don’t make the mistake many people have and lived to regret; don’t ignore the early warning signs of hair loss. As with any illness, early detection of the problem can result in a cure while late detection often means the problem is too advanced to be treated. While cancer may be a rather serious comparison, it is a typical example. Everyone refers to the loss of about 100 strands of hair as normal; however, anything above 50 strands daily needs to be looked into. The early warning signs of hair loss problems that should be taken seriously include: • Thinning hair where the scalp is suddenly more visible than before • Lots of hair left behind on the pillow each morning • Lots of hair in your hairbrush after every brushing • Plenty of hair-fall clogging the drain after a shower • Hair falling easily if you run your hands through your hair These things should not happen under normal circumstances; if they do, it is better to see a doctor to find out for sure what the problem is. Once the doctor runs some tests, the underlying problem causing the hair fall will be revealed. Doctors generally treat the problem causing the hair loss first. You can also take a vitamin supplement, make changes to diet to get rid of all the fats and sugars that are not good for your hair growth, and get in some exercise. This will help you to maintain a healthy body and also a healthy growth of hair. From pills to hair loss tonics and other treatments, there is probably something for you out there. But don’t take anything or apply anything until you are sure it is safe to do so. The real problem has to be identified first before you can take treatment. Not all hair loss problems are genetic or hormonal. It could be an allergic reaction to some product you use that is causing the hair fall. Hair Loss and Hypnosis Therapy Anyone who has lived through the sheer agony of hair loss will understand why people are desperate to find a treatment that will reverse the process. No one regardless of whether they are 25 or 85 wants to lose their hair. Hair loss happens for a variety of reasons, but there are treatments to stop it, prevent more hair loss and promote hair growth. In 2009, the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis published findings that indicated the strong possibility of using hypnosis as a treatment method for alopecia areata. This type of hair loss occurs in patches and is generally caused when the body’s immune system engages in a self-attack. People’s belief in hypnosis is divided with some believing and some disbelieving in it totally. Let us get one thing clear at the start, hypnosis per se cannot cure hair loss; however, through suggestive therapy people can enjoy better mental health leading to less hair fall. Few studies have actually looked at psychological treatments to deal with hair loss. Dr. Willemsen who carried out the research, believed that hypnotherapy enhanced mental wellbeing, which in turn improved the health of the scalp. For the purpose of the study, twenty eight people with severe hair loss problems were selected. For all the individuals, conventional medication had already been tried, but was not successful. The individuals underwent hypnotherapy treatment for a period of six months. Treatment was based on a combination of stress reduction therapy and hypnosis therapy for regrowth of hair. The sessions were conducted three or four times a week, then once every three weeks. 12 of the 28 people demonstrated positive results from the combination therapy with new hair growing over 75 percent of the scalp area. There were no side effects experienced from the therapy. Hypnotherapy results for this study showed that hypnosis can effectively combat hair loss, improve stress levels and decrease depression. The real link between hair loss and hypnosis is yet to be established. But the assumed link is that a healthy mind is a happy mind, leading in turn to healthy hair growth. The treatment shows that people suffering from a great deal of mental stress can find relief from stress and at the same time encourage hair growth through hypnosis. Hypnosis therapy has a long history of use in help to remove stress, release pent-up tension, free people from anxiety attacks and basically reprogram the mind to be happy. Hypnosis therapy is based on the principle that a happy mind equates to a healthy body. Hair Loss and Trichology Hair loss actually has quite a devastating impact on both men and women who are unfortunate enough to experience the problem. The hair loss problem is intensified especially when the person least expects the loss. From genetics to stress, hair loss problems can arise due to a number of causes. While the causes may differ, the self-consciousness and loss of self-confidence are the same in every situation. Where do you go to seek answers to your questions, gather information and find the right treatment? In a word, a trichologist – not a medical doctor, but a specialist in different types of hair loss and problems related to the scalp such as persistent dandruff. Trichology refers to the science that concerns hair and scalp issues. The methods employed to deal with the problems are not medically oriented as the trichologist is not an official medical expert. Trichologists are however, educated in physiology and anatomy covering skin and body, nutrition, chemistry, hair problems and scalp issues. A visit to a general practitioner may result in securing the right treatment for the problem based on tests the doctor conducts and the ensuing results of the tests. There are topical solutions, medicines, herbal remedies, laser treatments and hair transplant surgery to resolve the problem of hair loss. When do you consult with a trichologist? Any problem related to the scalp or hair is within the purview of a qualified trichologist. In fact the majority of consultations with trichologists are to resolve hair loss problems. Dandruff, excessive production of oil, greasy hair and other problems can all lead to thinning hair and hair loss. The first step in seeking treatment though a trichologist is to set up an appointment for a consultation. An examination of the scalp and hair and a discussion of the patient’s history will result from the consultation. Through analysis, the underlying factors causing the hair loss are revealed. Only after identifying the real causes of the problem will the trichologist consider the following: • Whether the problem will be better treated by a medical doctor • Is the problem serious enough to deserve treatment; if yes, what type of treatment will be ideal to provide the most benefit to the patient? • Does the problem justify surgery? If the reply is positive, the trichologist will provide detailed information on the various options and help to identify a suitable clinic, surgeon and method for optimal benefit. Finding the right trichologist can be tricky, so make sure to check that the individual is registered with the Institute of Trichology. Hair Loss Associated with Menopause Hair loss can be devastating regardless of why it happens, as both men and women feel the painful effects of this problem. Hair loss cannot really be categorized as a disease, but it may be caused by a disease. Another reason why women experience hair loss is due to menopause. This is a condition that all women go through on reaching reach their late 40s or older. Hair loss caused by the hormonal changes in the body can be treated by herbal remedies, lifestyle changes and hormone replacement therapy. Hair loss in menopausal women results from the fluctuation in hormone (estrogen and testosterone) levels. It is best to treat the hormone problem rather than the falling hair problem. Menopause is probably the toughest phase in a women’s life; it marks the end of the menstrual cycle transitioning the woman from the fertility stage to the infertility stage. This period is one of marked physical and emotional changes and approximately 75 percent of menopausal women experience thinning hair. The reduction in estrogen means that testosterone levels are elevated levels and this causes the hair follicles to produce less hair. This sudden drop in estrogen and increase in testosterone is the main reason why menopausal women experience hair loss. Hormone replacement therapy was all the rage for a while to treat menopausal hair loss. However, reports of it causing ovarian and breast cancers, heart disease and blood clots soon made people rethink their options. Lifestyle changes are definitely recommended and it is the least expensive method of treating hair loss with the highest success rate. Eating a well-balanced diet without any of the bad fats, refined sugars and chemical additives will help you fight hair loss. All the goodness of fruits and vegetables in the form of vitamins, minerals, protein and other elements will help your hair to growth healthy and strong. Alcohol and caffeine are not good for the health; people who tend to over-indulge need to make some drastic cuts to their intake. Both caffeine and alcohol block the absorbing power of the roots to obtain nutrients. Exercise is a must to keep the body fit, reduce stress and get the blood circulating freely. With the right amount of exercise taken regularly the entire body starts to function better. Alternative medicine has been used for centuries to cure various ailments. There are certain herbal remedies that can help in promoting hair growth. Whatever you decide to take to treat menopause related hair loss should be done in consultation with a doctor. Hair Loss in Teenagers Statistics reveal that a growing percentage of young people in their teens are losing their hair. It is important to understand why the problem is happening in the first place, and secondly, how to stop it from continuing. Are you in your teens and trying to cope with falling hair? Keep reading to pick up some valuable information. There are many reasons why hair fall occurs in people young and old. However, prominent causes that trigger the hair fall may be due to certain common factors. The teen years are considered the best time to have fun, be carefree and experiment with a lot of things. During this period, we take great pride in asserting our new found independence. This may result in poor dietary habits because the emphasis is on looking good which translates to skinny! Others at the far side of the extreme go overboard on junk food and become obese. All these factors start affecting our health and eventually travel up to the scalp to result in hair loss. Teenagers like experimenting with new hair colors to look trendy and fit in with the crowd. Then you have all the heavy advertising on hair care products where you are being lured into buying stuff you don’t need. While the products do make the hair look fashionable or sexy, the long term effects are damage with a capital D. The best way to prevent damage to the hair is to stop using fancy products and get an all-natural herbal shampoo and cleanser. Go for something mild rather than choosing products for their promises or aroma. In order to avoid damaging your hair, you are going to have to make a really firm decision to avoid constantly changing hairstyles and stressing the hair with heating implements and tight braids just to be fashionable. Consider this – it is better to be not-so-fashionable rather than start going bald at an early age. Gels, mousses and cornrows for example do nothing to strengthen the hair; all they do is cause the natural tensile strength of the hair to wear out. Not everyone is going to like this bit, but it has to be said. In the teen stage we want to try it all. Nothing wrong with that, it’s all part of the growing up process. However, when we try stuff that harms the body and end up getting addicted to things like alcohol, smoking or drugs all we are doing is robbing the body of its essential nutrients. For the girls, taking contraceptive pills at an early age weakens the hair resulting in hair loss. This area is something we need to deal with ourselves if we want to continue having a luxurious mop of hair. Hair Loss Remedies to Promote Hair Growth There is certainly no shortage of hair loss remedies available on the market today. However, we need to be careful about what we use on our scalp as certain products can have adverse effects. Further, some products react negatively with medications that are being taken. Herbal remedies are a fast favorite with a lot of people mainly because these remedies are all natural and do not generally have side effects. While there is no guarantee that the treatment will work for everyone, it is possible that one of the remedies will be successful in promoting hair growth. Hair loss remedies that have been proven effective include: Rosemary: is an herb typically used in cooking for its flavor. However the herb has another use - to enhance hair growth. Rosemary has been used to treat various health ailments such as respiratory conditions, kidney colic, alleviate stomach cramps and promote hair growth. A study was conducted into the usefulness of rosemary for hair growth. The study concluded that the herb when mixed with certain oils was a very effective treatment and a safe one for hair loss. It proved to be especially successful in treating hair loss in patches on the scalp. Rosemary added to herbal oils and massaged into the scalp for several months showed substantial improvement in the regrowth of hair on the bald patches. Aloe Vera: is considered a miracle plant full of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and much more. In fact, no other plant has been found to so closely match the body’s biochemistry. Its benefits include healing the scalp and cleansing the pores. Aloe Vera has several essential nutrients that promote the growth of new hair. Topical application of Aloe Vera gel directly on the scalp is safe because the gel is a natural product and has no side effects. A homemade shampoo of Aloe Vera gel with coconut milk and wheat germ oil will help to promote new hair growth. Henna: is widely used in south Asian and Middle Eastern countries. It is an herb that is popularly used to dye the hair rendering it a reddish brown color. What most people do not know is that henna can effectively treat hair loss and promote the growth of new hair. Henna blends well with the hair’s natural proteins to stimulate growth. Henna can strength hair and render it healthier through continued use. Henna repairs hair cuticles, balances the scalps pH level to prevent premature hair loss and cures scalp problems such as excessive dryness and dandruff. Hair Loss Treatments: Electric Pulse Treatment When hair loss rears its ugly head, we are understandably in a panic about what to do. The confusion is exaggerated because of the numerous treatments available. Numerous questions such as what to choose, what will be the side effects, will it work, how long will the treatment take, how much will it cost and many more questions trouble the mind. It could very well be that you are not a suitable candidate for drugs, lotions or hair transplants. What do you do then? You can consider alternative treatments to stop or reverse the hair loss problem. Always seek professional help before investing in a treatment you know nothing about. Electric pulse treatment is one type of hair loss treatment that gave rise to a huge amount of interest after the 1991 clinical trial results were published. The trial itself was conducted using 30 men, all volunteers and all suffering from male pattern baldness. Each person was subjected to small amounts of electrical stimulation pulses. The trial spanned six months, at the end of which 29 of the participants either experienced regrowth or no further hair loss. Male pattern baldness, one of the first symptoms is nerve degeneration resulting in hair loss. Hair pulled out from a healthy area of the scalp will hurt; however strands pulled out from bald areas will not because of the nerve damage that has taken away the ability to feel. Scientists and biomedical experts have established as fact the use of electrical stimulation to repair wounded tissue and bone. In the same manner, repetitive stimulation of the hair follicles through pulsed energy can get them back to functioning normally. The electric pulses are a non-surgical technique to stop hair loss. The electric frequencies are sent from an electrostatic field to targeted hair follicles to stimulate growth. The treatment is a low frequency, limited penetration treatment, sending the electric pulses just deep enough to influence the hair follicles, but not deep enough to affect the underlying tissues. The treatments are believed to be safe and relatively painless. Electric pulse treatment for hair loss is generally administered twice a week, but this will depend on the expected outcomes. Treatment duration ranges between 3-6 months and depends on the severity of the condition. Ideal candidates for this type of treatment are individuals suffering from male or female pattern baldness, temporary hair loss due to chemotherapy, hair loss due to illness and thinning hair. Only candidates that fit the criteria are advised to choose this treatment for hair loss. Hair Loss Treatments: Hair Replacement Surgery Slowly going bald or sudden baldness can have a very negative impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. No one willingly wants to sport a bald head; probably Hollywood stars are the only exception! While baldness cannot really be cured because a miracle cure has not yet been invented, there are two broad categories of treatments for hair loss in men and women: cosmetic treatments and medical treatments. While surgery is not generally recommended, it is an effective solution for premature baldness. In this article we want to do a quick run-through of the ins and outs of hair replacement surgery. This will benefit people currently going through the agony of hair loss and trying to figure out what the best solution is. Thanks to advancement in science and technology there are newer and better techniques available for hair transplants or replacements. This procedure is not cheap, but it is a good way for young men especially to regain their lost self-confidence. Hair transplant costs vary depending on the clinic, the surgeon and the country. For example, in the US, the charges generally range between 3-8 dollars for each follicle; in the UK transplant costs range between 2000 to 5000 GBP. There are factors that determine the cost of hair replacement surgery that include the extent of the problem or the area of baldness to be covered, the number of sessions and the procedure used. Hair replacement surgery is commonly performed on men suffering with premature baldness.
The surgery is generally performed only after drug therapy with finasteride or minoxidil fails. Transplant surgery is not performed in men below the age of 20 as the doctor is unsure how the baldness will proceed. People with scarring alopecia where patches of hair are lost due to injury or other forms of scalp damage are also eligible candidates for transplant surgery. People experiencing problems with thinning hair are not suitable candidates for hair replacement surgery. Successful transplants are based on removal of healthy follicles from areas of the scalp that will produce hair in the future. It is not possible to do so if there are areas where the hair may not grow back again. The hair transplant surgery takes healthy follicles from the sides and back of the head or donor sites as they are referred to. Generally with male pattern baldness, the hair starts to recede from front to crown and eventually to the back in some cases. The follicles from the healthy areas are grafted into the bald areas to encourage hair growth through micro-grafting. Hair Loss Treatments Reviewed Hair loss is increasingly becoming one of the biggest medical problems people are facing. Because of the diversity of factors that cause the problem, people are often running hither and thither to find the right treatment. Let us review some of the top medical treatments and products available today. It should be understood that consulting with a doctor before trying any hair loss treatments is essential to avoid side effects and other problems. Because the market is inundated with hair loss treatments, selecting the right one can be an overwhelming task. The first step is to identify the cause of the problem; this can be done with the help of a doctor. Once the problem has been identified, you need to decide whether you want to take medication. For some people medication is not an option because of other medical conditions where the medicines may clash. The alternative to medication is topical applications such as lotions and creams. Here are some of the top hair loss treatments to stop hair loss, slow it down or cover it up. You can choose what is best depending on the nature of your hair loss condition. Propecia Propecia is being marketed as a medical breakthrough for the reversal of male pattern baldness in the guys. Propecia works at inhibiting the enzyme (5-alpha-reductase) that produces the DHT hormone, an off shoot of the male testosterone hormone. Propecia is the only FDA approved medication to treat male pattern baldness. Testing conducted over a two year period resulted in statistics showing that men were able to retain the hair they had and also to grow back some of the lost hair. Minoxidil This is a medication that was originally used to treat severe blood pressure. Through accident it came to light that the drug’s rather bizarre side effects actually helped in reversing the balding process and in some cases slowing it down. When minoxidil is administered topically as a lotion to spots where a small growth of hair is still present, it can kick-start the growth process causing the hair to grow longer and thicker. Minoxidil is produced under the name Rogaine (trade name) and is not recommended for use by: women, men who are unsure of the actual cause of the hair loss problem, anyone under 18 years of age or in conjunction with other scalp medications. There are too many products to list from drugs to lotions, shampoos and more. Make sure to consult a doctor before trying anything. How to Conquer Hair Loss Beginning with understanding what the causes of hair loss are before we tackle the different options available to prevent it. Alopecia or hair loss is not a new problem. People all through history have battled the problem of falling hair, some more than others. Male or female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss. This type of hair loss is related to genetics where baldness is a hereditary problem. There are other factors such as medical and environmental reasons that cause people start to losing their hair. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist before buying any over-the-counter medications to treat hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to a wide number of medical conditions. To determine what the root cause of the problem is will require a specialist’s attention. Without knowing the cause of the hair loss, no doctor is in a position to prescribe any form of treatment. Dermatologists are trained to provide a range of treatments including natural, cosmetic or medical treatments depending on the cause and severity of the problem. The medical treatment of hair loss has experienced tremendous growth. Drugs are now being marketed that are developed for the causes of hair loss to prevent it from happening. Drug therapies are not the ideal solution for everyone with a hair loss problem. The reason drugs work is because they are aimed at the underlying cause of the hair loss problem. The cosmetic therapy segment is also seeing a considerable amount of growth as more people are finding an answer to their problem with this type of treatment. Cosmetic hair replacement is one of the more expensive options to deal with hair loss. Natural therapies have been in existence for centuries and cover a wide range of ailments including hair loss. Natural therapy is based on the belief that hair loss is a natural condition and such remedies can restore the natural balance of the scalp. These therapies include exercises to increase the flow of blood in the scalp and to the follicles; scalp massages and herbal anti-hair loss remedies among other things. Some herbal remedies that are popular for treating alopecia include: • Henna: conditions the hair keeping it healthy and reducing the chance of hair loss. It is an ancient traditional herb that has been in existence for years to treat falling hair. • Jojoba oil is another herbal remedy that successfully treats various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as dandruff. How to Handle Early Hair Loss Early balding is something we may be accustomed to in men. We even have a name for it – male pattern baldness. But early balding in women! Sadly it’s true; women too, experience female pattern baldness due to several reasons. These reasons include stress, pregnancy, menopause, poor nutrition, illness, addictions such as alcoholism and harsh medication. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the hair loss can generally be stopped, the underlying cause treated and the hair stimulated to grow again. The normal growth cycle for hair consists of three phases. Hair strands grow to approximately one centimeter each month during the growth phase – this phase lasts for 2-3 years. The second phase is the resting phase when hair rests – this phase lasts 23 months. The final phase is the shedding phase when dead hair falls out and new hair replaces the fallen hair. This process involves the loss of anywhere between 50-100 hairs daily. When the normal balance of the scalp is disrupted, the phases get thrown out of sync and balding occurs. Most male pattern balding problems (androgenetic alopecia) stem from hereditary factors. Other types of hair loss are generally caused by poor nutrition, excessive stress and psychological factors. There’s one problem called trichotillomania; people with this disorder pull out their hair due to an extreme form of anxiety. The pattern of hair loss in men and women differs. In men the hair loss generally begins along the hairline and slowly moves to the top of the head. In women it begins with thinning hair and loss of hair from the front, sides and crown of the head. People believe in the ancient adage that what cannot be cured has to be endured. However, in this sophisticated modern age we can find cures where none are believed to exist. Baldness can be treated by stimulating new hair growth. Because we are unique as individuals, the same treatment may not work for everyone due to various genetic and other factors. The Mayo Clinic mentions minoxidil that is available in liquid or foam form. This medication is believed to encourage new hair growth in people with certain types of hair loss. Minoxidil is an over the counter product sold by most pharmacies. Finasteride is also a form of medication to slow hair loss and stimulate growth in men with male pattern baldness problems. This medication is a prescription pill and needs a doctor to prescribe it. How to Keep Your Hair the Herbal Way Human hair may be only dead tissue, but it is one of the things people the world over are most concerned with. In fact, people will do just about anything to prevent hair loss or to get their hair to start growing again. Pharmacies sell a number of products and pharmaceutical companies manufacture a variety of products, all of which are aimed at promoting hair growth and helping you keep your hair. Here’s what we need to be careful about, often these products cause hair fall, rather than preventing it. All the wild claims made by the manufacturers are seldom true and can have some serious side effects. On the other hand, herbal treatments have been in use all through the ages and have proven their efficacy several times over. Hair loss is connected to genetics and hereditary balding can be tough to prevent or reverse. However, even that can be done; there are clinics in Thailand and other parts of the world that specialize in improving hair growth. Certain illnesses lead to hair loss, for example cancer – the chemotherapy generally causes people to lose their hair. Other factors that lead to hair loss include poor nutrition, thyroid disease, medication and hormonal problems. Here are some natural herbal treatments to prevent hair loss and help you keep your hair • Ginkgo biloba: is one of the top selling herbal treatments in Europe and the United States apart from other countries. It is a very old tree species and ranks as top medicine in Germany and France. The plant is rich in antioxidants, which serve to increase the flow of blood to the follicles or hair roots located in the scalp. This helps to strengthen and stimulate the hair shaft. • Dong Quai: DHT is considered one of the major causes of hair loss and Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens that help to prevent the formation of DHT. The herb is believed to stimulate re-growth when balding occurs. Dong Quai combined with nettle root is supposed to be a very powerful hair loss treatment that is available today. • Nettle Root: the application of nettle root to the scalp is believed to stimulate hair growth. Nettle root or the common stinging nettle has been around for a very long time and is used in numerous treatments for a wide variety of ailments. It is a very strong DHT blocker, but any one on prescription medication needs to check with a doctor before starting nettle root treatments. How to Treat Male Pattern Baldness A fairly large percentage of the male population starts to lose hair around the temple area as they grow older. As the hair loss continues over time, it spreads to the top of the head. Hair loss, if it continues to spread can affect the hair on the sides of the head and the rear as well to cause complete baldness. Not a very pretty picture for sure! What exactly is male pattern baldness? When the male hormone testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), it affects the hair follicles by causing them to shrink. The shrinkage is caused by inherited genetic properties and may not affect all men in general in the same way. It is believed that approximately 40 percent of the male population is affected by male pattern hair loss by the time they hit the 40 mark. It is better to take preventive measures rather than wait to lose all your hair. There are a wide range of pills, lotions, creams and shampoos to deal with the problem. One way of combating hair loss is to check the DHT levels in the body. Saw Palmetto has been identified as an herbal supplement that can help to prevent or stop male pattern balding. Scientists who conducted extensive testing, found that the herb proved to be effective in treating men with baldness. Saw Palmetto is one way of treating the body from the inside out. Another method is to massage the scalp daily for approximately 15 minutes. Why not do it while you take in a favorite program on the television? It will not seem bothersome and you won’t need to set aside a special time for the daily massage. The massage needs to be a gentle stimulation of the roots to allow new hair growth. The hair follicles thrive on good blood circulation without which they will shrivel up and die. Through scalp massage, the follicles will receive a good supply of vital nutrients to enable hair growth. The Chinese have been aware of the power of Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and other herbs in helping to maintain healthy luxuriant hair growth. Herbal remedies stem from ancient beliefs and customs, but the people witnessed firsthand the efficacy of the herbs. For example, a daily supplement of up to 1,500 milligrams of Saw Palmetto every day can prevent male pattern baldness from spreading. The herb is available in most drug stores and nutrition centers and is reasonably priced. Infrared and UV Light Hair Loss Treatments Hair loss treatments span the spectrum from natural solutions such as herbal remedies to surgery for more complex problems. There are a wide variety of treatments to cover various types of hair loss. Basically hair loss is either permanent or temporary. However, UV light and infrared treatments are a combination of medical procedures with natural solutions. Ultra Violet (UV) light and infrared light are both light waves that bring several benefits to the hair follicles. When the UV or infrared light is directed onto areas of the scalp where hair loss has occurred, the light helps in blood circulation, increasing oxygen supply, nutrient supply, and cellular activity. When applied correctly, both light types promote a longer hair growth phase and lessen the duration of the hair’s resting phase. UV light treatment is considered a relatively safe and non-invasive hair loss treatment. Proper precautions are taken to ensure that the UV light does not burn or expose the skin to radiation. When a patient undergoes infrared light or UV light treatment, he or she has to sit under the device for periods of 15-30 minutes while the light is directed on the bald areas of the scalp. There is no pain or discomfort associated with these types of treatment. To date all infrared and UV light hair loss treatments have consistently shown results only when mild hair loss is involved. For example, people who have just begun to experience thinning of the hair or slight hair loss. People suffering from long-term hair loss or severe loss of hair due to some accident or serious illness have not been known to benefit from this type of treatment. The infrared and UV light treatments have not been successful in cases of temporary hair loss either. The best way to ascertain whether you are the ideal candidate for UV or infrared light treatment is to consult with a doctor. It is important that you first determine the cause of the hair loss. You may not require light treatment. For example, if the hair loss is the body’s reaction to some medication you are on, stopping the medication will ensure that the hair loss is reversed in time. A word of caution, UV light and infrared treatments generally offers about 50 percent hair regrowth in the people who have undergone the treatment. However, there is no guarantee that the effects of the treatment will be long lasting. New hair growth may appear thin or growth may appear in patches. On the upside, the treatments have a 90 percent success rate in stopping hair loss. Itchy Scalp Leads to Hair Loss Itchy scalp syndrome is often accompanied by falling hair. This condition is irritating in more ways than one because we not only have to deal with the itch, but face the fact that we are losing hair as well. Here’s the good news, hair loss from an itchy scalp is a temporary problem; the hair will grow back once the itch is treated. A certain amount of hair loss is to be expected each day. Hair loss is a problem when the loss is more than what is normal for a day. Why do we get an itchy scalp in the first place and what’s the connection to hair loss? When the scalp secretes excessive amounts of oil, the medical term for the problem is scalp dysesthesia. The oil or sebum is actually a protective covering for the follicle shaft. The oil provides the hair with the necessary nutrients. When the oil is more than the normal quantity, it inflames the skin causing constant itching. When we scratch because of the itching, the skin starts to flake. The flaking makes the scalp vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections, which cause the scalp to itch more. Harsh chemicals in the hair care products and the dirt in the air add to the irritation and make the scalp itch more. This leads to hair falling out because of the itch and the excess oil. When the follicles get damaged, the hair falls out because it stops receiving the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Here are some suggestions to take care of the itchy scalp and prevent hair from falling: Stop using harsh dyes and other chemical laden products. Just because a product advertises the moon it’s no reason to rush out and buy it. Change your shampoo; it could be the cause of the irritation. It is the chemicals in shampoos that strip the hair of the natural oils present. Natural shampoos are best for the hair and many of them contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to stop the itch and clear the infection. This is not meant to be insulting, but personal hygiene is essential in maintaining a healthy scalp. Wash hair as soon as it gets greasy or dirty. If you’ve been out in the dust all day wash your hair. People who are the outdoorsy type need to wash their hair daily. Anyone who exercises regularly should wash their hair at least on alternative days. If you are more the stay-at-home sort, washing your hair twice a week should be fine. Eat a healthy diet and avoid using harsh chemicals and heat treatments on your hair. Laser Hair Loss Therapy Living as we do in a world of highly advanced technology, it is not surprising to note that the technology is being applied to prevent hair loss. Hair loss clinics are offering laser technology through doctor-directed programs to stop and prevent hair loss. The therapy is combined with various hair products and nutrients for men and women. Laser hair therapy is a non-surgical method of cosmetic treatment for hair loss, scalp problems and thinning hair. For over 30 years, laser hair technology has undergone a range of tests to ensure the safety of the procedure. With the use of a laser device, low level infrared laser light technology is used on the scalp and the hair to promote better hair growth that is richer and fuller. The laser device resembles the common hair dryer found in beauty salons and homes. The devices applies cool laser directly onto the scalp to stimulate blood circulation, which in turn can promote better hair growth. There have been numerous studies conducted into the benefits of light on hair growth. When you stop to think about it, you will find that hair grows faster in summer because of the light as compared with winter. In summer, the blood circulation is improved due to the red light from the sun rays. This is turn stimulates the hair follicles to promote better hair growth. With laser light therapy, a similar concept is being used to provide the red light boost to the hair follicles. This light comes from the laser apparatus delivered at a precise frequency to repair hair and revitalize the follicles. There are many benefits in using laser hair therapy: Laser hair therapy is an easy procedure that is performed without any pain or discomfort. Based on the principle of light energy being absorbed by dark matter, in this case hair, the follicles and scalp receive the necessary stimulation to produce a better growth of hair. It is recommended that you seek treatment only from a qualified and skilled laser technician. Laser hair therapy is widely available and most dermatologists can provide treatment at an affordable rate. The treatment has proven beneficial in providing an improved hair growth that is thicker and fuller in appearance. Laser therapy does not involve any type of surgery; it is a non-surgical method used to promote the growth of hair. There are no known side effects as the treatment works to renew the scalp without harming it. Pregnancy and Hair Loss Women often experience hair loss soon after child birth due to the varied physical and mental changes undergone during this period. In this time hormonal alterations take place inside the body. It is understood that because each woman is uniquely individual, the same changes may not affect everyone in a similar manner. Changes take place based on the body type, hormone structures, health and the care taken during and after the pregnancy. Hair loss occurs in some women soon after or even during the pregnancy. According to the statistics, approximately 75 percent of the women surveyed had some form of hair loss after child birth. What triggers the hair loss in women after the pregnancy period is over? As most of us are aware, we lose anywhere between 25 to 100 hairs daily from our heads. This is natural and occurs during brushing, sleep, washing hair and massaging the scalp. Hair goes through three phases, the last one being the telogen phase when hair rests before falling off at the time of brushing or washing. When a woman is pregnant, hair fall is actually less. The hormonal changes in the body include increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, the female hormones. These hormones prevent hair from falling, which should normally fall off each day. So during pregnancy women can glory in their extra thick volume hair. After child birth, the metabolism begins to stabilize, hormone levels settle back to normal and life as we knew it before the pregnancy phase resumes again. The result is that the hair starts to fall. Remember that there’s a lot of hair in the resting phase that should have fallen but did not. This may cause the hair loss to appear very severe, but it does not cause baldness. We need to mention that in some women, the post-pregnancy stress of being a new mother and the loss of nutrition through breast feeding can cause the hair to fall. Because hair is more susceptible to breakage following the delivery of the baby, we need to take care to handle hair with care. Use a wide toothed comb and try to avoid combing hair when it is wet. Ideally hair should be allowed to dry naturally without the use of a hairdryer. Using herbal shampoos and conditioners will go a long way in nourishing the scalp and the hair follicles. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals. Refrain from tying the hair very tight, as it can break easily. Eating the right diet filled with nutrition is good for the baby and for the hair. Adding a lot of protein to the diet will help to strengthen the hair. Prevent Hair Loss – Understand what Causes it Do you have a problem with thinning hair or falling hair? All is not lost because there are treatments available for preventing hair loss. So stem the tears and let’s get to work finding out first what causes hair loss, and second, how to find the appropriate treatment for the problem. The common causes of hair loss are attributed to hereditary genes, hormonal imbalances, infections in the scalp, pregnancy, extreme stress, addictions and illnesses. Certain medical conditions such as thyroid, fungal infections and ringworm can also contribute to hair fall. There are certain medications that can trigger hair fall such as gout medication, blood thinners and birth control medication. This type of hair loss is generally very sudden and can be treated. Other causes that can lead to hair loss include chemotherapy, hormonal changes such as menopause, crash diets and radiation. What are known as stressors can also lead to hair loss; for example wearing tight ponytails, cornrows, rollers and braids that pull the hair, scarring the scalp and killing the roots. This can result in permanent hair loss once the roots get damaged. Finally we have a number of beauty treatments that only end up damaging the hair follicles. And we actually pay for these treatments! Hot oil treatments, chemical dyes, relaxers, perms and other forms of hair treatments can result in inflammation of the hair follicles. This leads to scarring and hair loss. Unless your hair loss problem is a hereditary one, hair loss can be an indication of some form of imbalance in the body. You need to take control of the situation and pay your doctor a visit first. Once the cause or causes as the case may be have been identified, making changes to the diet should follow. It is best to eliminate all those foods high in sodium, fat and sugar; yes, unfortunately that means all the yummy junk food, processed fats and refined sugars. This will effectively help to slow down the hair loss process. The best diets are hair-friendly diets rich in iron and silica. Iron is useful in banishing anemia which causes hair loss. Silica strengthens the hair follicles and helps in hair regrowth. Try to limit your intake of caffeine and other sugar rich drinks. Keep the alcohol intake under control and ask your doctor about a vitamin supplement. Normally, if the diet is rich in vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium and folic acid, you should do just fine in the hair department. Prevent Hair Loss with Olive Oil Olive trees date back as far as can be ascertained to Neolithic man and the benefits of this amazing tree has been handed down through centuries. Olive oil as Homer the Greek poet termed it ‘liquid gold’ has been a medicinal source to people for ages. Olive oil is closely linked to the prevention of hair loss through olive oil massages. All of us lose a certain amount of hair daily, but when hair loss is beyond the accepted standard, it becomes cause for worry. There are many reasons why we lose our hair from naturally growing older to medical conditions, skin conditions, infections and more. As mentioned, olive oil can provide the following benefits to the hair: Olive oil has natural anti-bacterial properties and is rich in anti-oxidants that are proven to block the body’s aging process. Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, hair loss caused by the harsh chemicals commonly found in hair products may be reversed and treated. Hair dyes for example have very strong chemicals; these chemicals cause an allergic reaction on the scalp and over time the roots of the hair get weakened. Olive oil massaged into the scalp minimizes the damage and restores the scalps healthy balance to prevent hair loss. Olive oil has a healthy store of nutrients to prevent DHT from forming. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is a harmful hormone that causes hair follicles to shrink forcing hair growth to be thin or on-existent. Regular application of olive oil blocks HDT from forming and effectively prevents hair loss. The oil is naturally rich in several nutrients including Vitamin D, Biotin and Vitamin E; these nutrients are essential for healthy hair growth. The roots absorb the nutrients promoting growth and preventing hair loss. Olive oil hair loss treatment • Use extra virgin olive oil, which is its most natural form mixed with coconut oil in the ratio of 2:1. Taking small amounts in your palm start massaging the oil into the scalp and hair; massage should be gentle as it does not help if you pull out the hair by the roots. Massage for approximately 15 minutes. Cover the head with a shower cap and leave the oil soaking into the roots for at least four hours, but overnight is better. • Use a medicated shampoo to wash your hair and dilute your shampoo or use very small quantities of it. Take a little shampoo in your hand to avoid direct application. Olive oil is freely available, but a bit on the expensive side. However, in the interest of maintaining healthy hair and preventing hair loss, it is one investment worth making. Replenishing Hair Loss with Mesotherapy Are you being tormented with the problem of thinning hair? Try mesotherapy, a cosmetic treatment that involves a non-surgical technique to stop hair loss. The treatment consists of injecting a distinctive blend of medicine, natural extracts, minerals and vitamins directly into the scalp. The treatment has the effect of bringing to the hair follicles all the missing nutrients that caused the hair loss in the first place. Mesotherapy works to make the hair roots strong to effectively control hair fall. It also helps in improving blood circulation to expand the shrunken hair follicles. With mesotherapy, a favorable condition for hair growth is promoted to stop hair fall and encourage hair to grow. Anyone with hair fall problems knows well enough, there are many causes for hair fall. This is probably the first area we tend to research to find out why our gorgeous locks are ending up in a hair brush and bathroom drain. Just as there are several causes for the hair fall problem, there are different treatments as well. Mesotherapy is one such treatment that is considered safe and effective in treating various kinds of hair loss (alopecia). The treatment involves a series of micro-injections of small doses of active nutrients. The injections are given on various parts of the scalp; pushing the nutrient solution into the layer of fat below the scalp called the mesoderm, which is where the treatment got its name.
A special mesotherapy gun is fitted with a tiny, sterile needle for insertion into the scalp. The needle is sent to a depth of 2-3 mm into the scalp, but the procedure is performed without anesthesia. Treatment duration ranges from a few months to one year. Duration depends on the severity of the problem and the corresponding number of sessions required by the patient. Minor hair thinning problems generally require anywhere from 3-8 sessions of mesotherapy. Severe hair loss may require 10 or more sessions for the treatment to prove effective. Injections are spaced out with a gap of one week or one month depending on what the doctor decides. Each session lasts for approximately 30-45 minutes; for every session, a different part of the scalp is injected. Mesotherapy is only effective on cells that are alive; the treatment will not work on dead cells. Hence it is best to consult a doctor to identify the true nature of the problem and run tests to ascertain whether it is worth investing in the treatment. This is a long term treatment and one should not expect to see results overnight. It could very well be 6 months before you see new hair growth. Shampoo for Hair Loss People are always asking whether shampoos can reverse hair loss. In short, some shampoos can have a positive impact on hair loss, stopping the hair fall and even promoting a degree of growth. However, the active ingredient in the shampoo generally determines the efficacy of the product. What we need to be wary of is choosing a shampoo based on the advertising information provided for the product. There are medicated shampoos, but it is best to get your doctor’s advice because not all products suit everyone. Factors to be considered include the type of hair loss, the severity of the hair loss, present medical conditions and any medications being taken. DHT is a hormone that is produced by an enzyme, a byproduct of the male hormone testosterone. In fact, research has shown that DHT is for the most part the primary cause of hereditary hair loss and male pattern baldness. Thymus peptide is an active ingredient in hair loss shampoos. It is effective because it penetrates the hair follicles, cleaning and unclogging the pores to allow new hair growth to emerge. Shampoos that claim efficacy in treating hair loss base their claims on the fact that hair loss is an autoimmune disease. The peptides in the shampoo serve to keep the hair follicles clean and unblocked to be able to produce hair growth. Shampoos are available that contain plant matter that is effective in neutralizing the DHT hormone, which blocks the hair follicles preventing hair growth. Through consistent use of the shampoo, new hair growth begins to emerge within 4 weeks of the shampoo therapy. Using shampoos with thymus peptides helps to slow the hair loss first and then promotes hair growth. The new hair growth can take up to three months to start emerging from the follicles. Clinical studies have shown that not all shampoos are effective for everyone. It is a matter of trial and error really to find a shampoo that works for your type of hair loss problem. There are shampoos that contain trichogen, an active ingredient useful in thickening the hair shaft. This gives the appearance of more hair than there really is. What it does is stop hair fall quite effectively. There are shampoos to thicken the hair, cover thinning spots, boost volume and nourish existing hair to prevent breakage and premature hair fall. Another consideration when choosing a shampoo is to match it to your hair type. If you have oily hair you will need to choose a shampoo suited to oily hair. No sense getting a shampoo for dry hair when your hair problem is excess sebum or oil. Should You Consider Scalp Reduction Surgery? Are you having a hair loss problem resulting in bald patches on the scalp? It could be that the hair has thinned out dramatically in particular parts of the scalp making it appear almost bald. Scalp reduction surgery is a form of treatment that can help with your type of hair loss problem. It is always recommended that you first see a doctor about your problem. There are hair specialists who can help in determining the exact nature of the problem and recommend the most appropriate treatment for the problem. Scalp reduction surgery is performed in two different ways. One method is to remove a narrow strip of scalp skin. The skin on either side of the area is stretched to the fullest extent to meet and gets stitched back together. If there is a very large area to be covered or the skin proves exceptionally tight, the tissue expansion method is employed. This process is quite lengthy and requires that you visit your doctor several times a week. The procedure involves inserting a balloon under the scalp that is gradually inflated. This action causes the scalp skin to stretch so that eventually there is enough flexibility of skin and healthy follicles to stretch over the gap. Then the strip of scalp skin is removed and the sides stitched together, but the balloon is first removed. This procedure is generally performed under local anesthetic, but some people request sedation to feel calm. A special cap has to be worn to protect the scalp during the healing process and antibiotics taken to prevent infection. Scalp reduction surgery is generally recommended under a physician’s guidance. Burn victims with scarring can benefit from this treatment. In such cases the damaged parts of the scalp are completely removed to restore the appearance of the head back to as close to normal as possible. People who suffer from balding around the middle of the scalp can benefit from a full head of hair with this type of treatment. Scalp reduction is not generally known to cause long term problems once the wound heals naturally. If you are in the habit of wearing your hair very short because of the bald patches, you may want to consider whether the scarring left by scalp reduction surgery will be a problem. Scalp reduction surgery is not cheap nor is it covered by insurance. You need to find the right doctor or surgical team and buy an all-inclusive package of pre-op, operation and post-op care, which is more cost-effective. Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Loss Can stem cells help put an end to the long standing frustration and embarrassment of going bald? For years, scientists have focused on exploring the possibilities and promises of stem cells in their research to find a cure for male pattern baldness and other types of hair loss problems. Through such extensive research, there is a distinct possibility that the end may be in sight. The current theory of stem cell research for hair regrowth is based on the workable theory of how adult stem cells can help to generate new hair. Why the special emphasis on adult stem cells? Aren’t all cells the same? Not really! Adult stem cells have the ability to regenerate or self-renew. Stem cells can make exact self-replicas when they regenerate. Further, newly formed cells can divide and eventually evolve into specialized cells. Through manipulation, the special cells can be transformed into hair follicle cells that produce hair growth, replacing follicles that can no longer perform their function. It is believed that the entire process is accomplished through the human brain sending out chemical signals. When stem cells are in the vicinity of dying cells, for example the unproductive hair follicles, the cells receive a signal to migrate to the base of the dying hair follicle to start dividing. Some cells become part of the follicle itself and some become part of the skin surrounding the follicle. Once the cell division is complete and the specially evolved cell is finished, healthy hair follicles are born. Science at its most awesome best, wouldn’t you agree? People really need a treatment that genuinely solves the hair loss problem. Although the basic theory has been established, further research and information is required about the specialization process. Only when a clear understanding of what actually causes cells to migrate and specialize is available can the stem cell hair loss theory be evolved to a more definitive level. Experiments using mice have proved successful in transplanting healthy adult stem cells into mice to produce new hair follicles. Hair growth has been seen when this process was carried out. This proves that the stem cells involved in producing or stimulating hair growth have been isolated. Once work on chemical signaling and cell manipulation is completed, it will be time to try the treatment on humans. There is hope that given the speed at which science continues to advance and new medical innovations are introduced, permanent baldness can soon become a thing of the past. The Best Diet to Stop Balding America’s fast food culture has driven the country into a rut where life has become one big drive-through! Strong healthy hair needs a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals to nourish the roots and scalp. Diets rich in excessive amounts of fat and no nutrients will only bring on obesity and cholesterol problems. Poor eating habits have been the cause of falling hair, thinning hair and poor growth. Natural fruits and vegetables have many healing properties to help the body defend against baldness. When the diet consumed has the right amount of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, the hair becomes strong enough to withstand attacks made on it. DHT is a hormonal imbalance in testosterone levels that can cause male and female pattern baldness. When the diet consumed is rich in animal fats, higher levels of testosterone get released into the blood stream. The opposite happens when people consume a diet low in fat. Lower levels of testosterone get released into the blood stream. A study conducted on Japanese men who consumed a very westernized diet found they experienced hair loss problems. Higher levels of fat trigger increased growth of the oil glands located in the hair follicle. This in turn produces more DHT causing more damage to the hair. For this reason, it was concluded that a diet low in fats can help to reduce the production of DHT and reduce its negative impact on hair growth. Controlling diet in combination with a product to reduce DHT production has proven an effective treatment for hair loss. The study found that avoiding a westernized diet was one way to prevent baldness. There are many low fat sources of protein such as turkey, chicken, soy and non-fatty fish. Other products such as fruits, beans, vegetables, legumes and nuts are all beneficial because of the fatty acids they contain, which help to promote hair growth. The protein intake in American diets is at a pathetically low level. This is one reason why people in some countries have thick hair growth well into old age while Americans suffer from baldness. Avoiding foods like potatoes, breads and pastas helps to keep insulin levels under control. When we choose to eat pastas and breads they should be made from whole wheat. Refined and processed foods are also not healthy options as they lack essential vitamins that promote healthy hair growth. Don’t forget to massage the scalp daily to stimulate blood circulation. The Connection between Diet and Hair Loss Let us start with an oft repeated statement – hair loss is normal; approximately 100 hairs may fall out each day and there is no cause for concern. Skeptical? According to the Mayo Clinic in USA, old, dead hair has to fall for new hair to grow out. Hair loss becomes a problem when it is excessive in nature and this can happen due to several reasons. One way to prevent hair loss is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. The foods we eat actually play a very big role in the wellbeing of our hair. Another thing we can do is to stop using harsh products on the hair and avoid high heat blow drying and styling irons. A dermatologist or qualified hair specialist is the best person to approach to have a correct hair loss diagnosis made and to get the right treatment. Eating a healthy diet means avoiding foods that lack proper nutrition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients is the most healthy diet to maintain. Dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, tomatoes, peppers, berries and other plant and animal sources of protein and iron, lean meats, fish and lentils should form part of the regular diet. When we engage in habits that ruin the natural digestive process we end up with poor digestive abilities. This hinders the proper digestion of the food we consume. Nutritional deficiencies can be made up through vitamin supplements. The real connection between hair and diet is the fact that hair is made up mainly of protein. Logically, eating more protein will enable us to maintain healthy hair, but let’s keep this statement in the right perspective. Steak every night for dinner is not going to help. High fat diets will increase the body’s testosterone levels and this has been linked to hair loss. Soy milk, tofu, calf’s liver, almonds, eggs, yogurt and low fat cheese are all good foods to add to one’s diet. Here’s something you don’t normally hear – silica is great in enabling the body to absorb vitamins and minerals. If the body does not have a sufficient amount of silica all the vitamin supplements in the world will not help. Add bean sprouts, potatoes, cucumbers and peppers with the skin on to your diet. You can make a salad with the sprouts, peppers and cucumbers - eating raw salads provides the body with the highest levels of nutrition possible. The Effects of Hair Loss on Men Hair loss is a natural process, but the severity of the condition differs from one person to another. Men and women are affected by hair loss, but the majority of sufferers appear to be men. Why do men lose their hair? There have been several theories and a lot of research conducted in this area. Modern research portrays the problem of baldness as caused by a hormonal or chemical imbalance in the body. Hair loss in men or women can seriously affect one’s confidence and serious cases may lead to depression and other psychological problems. While it may be tempting to pull out a credit card and buy every possible remedy to rid yourself of this demeaning problem, pause a moment to consider that most hair loss remedies have not been proven. What we want to do is tackle the foundation of male balding problems and the ways in which the problem can be treated. We need to understand that hair loss is part of the body’s natural cycle and functionality. Men, women and even children lose hair daily as this promotes the growth of new hair. For the most part, approximately 90 percent of the hair on a person’s head is in a state of growth. The other 10 percent has finished growing and will in time fall out. There is another side to hair loss and that is excessive loss of hair above and beyond the normal. This is officially termed as alopecia; male pattern baldness is referred to as androgenic alopecia. When men lose their hair, it is generally an inherited trait. According to research conducted in this area the inheritance of genetic baldness comes from the mother’s side of the family. The problem starts with thinning at the temples and then proceeds to cover the rest of the head. Quite simply, men have a particular gene that leads to the production of excessive amounts of DHT, which is a chemical that is generally considered harmless. However, the chemical in excess reacts negatively with the hair follicles, killing or damaging them and causing hair to fall out and not grow again. There are numerous treatments for male pattern baldness, but not all of them have been scientifically tested. There are drugs, cosmetic devices, surgery, alternative medicines and more. There is no known cure for baldness; all treatments will act to combat the problem, prevent more hair loss or stop the hair from falling; none really make it grow again once the follicle has died. Thinking Outside the Box to Stop Hair Loss One young lady who had just turned 20 felt she was way too young to face the shame and anxiety associated with severe hair loss. Over the course of one year, she visited doctors and tried different treatments prescribed. Finding no relief, she decided to start researching hair loss to see whether she could help herself. After months of agony and treatments that included Rogaine topical application and a pill the problem did not go away. Then the doctor started looking into hormonal imbalances and stress related hair loss issues. Basically the medical world is sometimes too high brow in its expectations by always expecting complex problems, and too pessimistic by always expecting the worst. Most doctors tend to overlook what’s under their noses – the fact that a large number of the American people do not have sufficient nutrition in their bodies. This is due to the poor dietary habits people follow. When the body is deprived of essential nutrients, the scalp cannot get the nourishment it needs. The result is poor or no nourishment of the hair follicles. How can the hair grown under such circumstances when the body is desperately vitamin deficient? If you are experiencing hair loss and feel tired of visiting doctors in search of the ideal solution, try taking a multi-vitamin tablet. This will provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Ask your doctor to run some tests to find out whether you are anemic; it is one of the leading causes of hair loss. This young lady was smart; she started to research via the internet to find out what caused the vitamin deficiency. You can find out right here that some of the causes of vitamin deficiency can be due to celiac disease or leaky gut syndrome. These problems originate in the small intestine resulting in mal-absorption of the vitamins and minerals into the body. Irritable bowel syndrome can also lead to hair loss. Once a doctor identifies the specific cause of the problem, the right treatment can be taken to help it. This will immediately lead to a lessening in the intensity of the hair fall. A vitamin supplement to provide the missing vitamins and minerals will also be beneficial. Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D and iron can lead to hair loss. Another thing worth trying is to find a more natural shampoo for your hair rather than one that is filled with chemicals and lots of promises. Treatments for Thinning Hair and Balding Are you beginning to see more of your scalp each day when you look in the mirror? Was life ticking along just fine until one day you suddenly glanced in the mirror and spotted your scalp instead of your thick mop of hair? Does your hairbrush have more hair in it each day? Painful is not the word and you are not alone in your misery! Cheer up because there are treatments that can help to resolve the problem. Let us adopt a positive approach to the problem and take a look at the various methods available to reverse or stop thinning hair and baldness. As we grow older, hair can become finer, grayer and drier. Real hair loss and a balding scalp is a condition where the hair falls out and fails to grow back again. There are many reasons why this can happen including hormonal imbalances, poor dietary habits, excessively indulgent lifestyle in alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Genetics can also be one of the causes for baldness especially in men. With age, the hair dries out because the natural oil glands found in the skin produce less oil to lubricate the skin. The lack of lubrication and protection can cause the hair to become brittle and susceptible to breakage. Dry hair suffering from damage can appear thinner than the strands actually are. Healthy hair treatments such as herbal shampoos and conditioners and hair rinses are available. Fine hair is the result of the hair shafts becoming thinner due to age. For example at 40 years of age the hair shafts become thinner by 5 percent when compared with 20 years ago. Hair is made mainly of protein; the aging process affects the body’s ability to manufacture protein in the required amount leading to very fine looking hair. Making changes to diet and using products that will add fullness to the hair shafts are two options that generally work. The manner in which light is reflected off the hair changes as the natural pigment of the hair is lost. Cells at the base of the hair follicles stop their melanin production as we grow older. As the hair turns gray or white, the lighter color makes it appear thinner and finer as well. This can exaggerate the baldness so don’t be in too much of a hurry to stress yourself out. Duke University conducted research that showed stress was a major factor in gray hair. Hair colorants and dyes will cover the gray hair temporarily, but a healthy diet will lead to healthy hair. Understanding Hair Loss in Women Are you experiencing loss of hair? Do you find yourself in desperate need of the right information and guidance? You are in the right place to learn about hair loss in the fairer sex. The first thing to understand is that women who experience hair loss are not alone; this is a problem of universal proportions. We understand that for a woman to lose her hair can be a whole lot more traumatic than it is for a man. It’s time to get rid of the doubts, fears, confusion and embarrassment that plague your every waking moment and find the best solution to the problem. Before we get to that point, let us first debunk the myths that surround hair loss. Losing one’s hair to stress does happen, but it’s going to take a situation of extreme turmoil that remains unabated for months on end to cause hair fall. Pregnancy and crash diets can cause hair fall and treatment in consultation with a doctor is recommended. In women, the hair starts to thin out all over the scalp; this can be a minor occurrence or a very dramatic one. Regardless of the severity of the hair loss, the primary cause is the hair follicles sensitivity to hormones in the scalp; specifically DHT or Dihydro-testosterone. Most anti-hair fall treatments for women include DHT blockers. It is best to seek a doctor’s advice on the best treatment for your problem. To classify the different types of female hair loss the Ludwig Scale is sometimes used. It is limited in its application; however it does provide an accurate portrayal of the hair loss problem. Female androgenetic alopecia is the kind of hair loss that occurs due to hormonal imbalances and is characterized mostly by overall thinning of the hair rather than patchy hair loss. Common causes of hair loss can arise due to starting or stopping birth control medication, pre-menopause periods, post-menopause periods and postpartum periods. With this type of alopecia, women can at least be comforted by the fact that total baldness is a rarity. It is mostly a visible decrease in hair volume more than actual baldness. You may be too depressed over the hair loss to realize that there are treatments available. All it takes is a visit to a qualified hair expert. There are loads of products, medications and treatments that a physician can prescribe to treat the problem. The solutions are pretty much straight forward, but you need to take the first step to seek treatment. Using Oils to Prevent Hair Loss There is a wide selection of oils that can help to stimulate the follicles for better hair growth. No one enjoys losing their hair, so let us study some of the oils that can help us keep our hair and prevent balding. All through the ages, a variety of oils were used to nourish the hair and provide it with vitality and a healthy lifespan. Definition of oils Oils are a water repellent substance that traps moisture inside the hair shafts. When essential oils are applied directly onto the scalp, it helps to increase the flow of blood and provide nutrients to the hair follicles. The topical application of oils to the hair and scalp helps to enhance hair growth by stimulating the scalp and providing protection of the hair strands. By stimulating the scalp, the oil helps to encourage the emergence of hair. Heavy oils strengthen the hair shaft preventing easy breakage. When hair damage and breakage is reduced, the natural life span of the hair is maintained. Different types of oils to promote hair growth Heavy oils: oils like coconut oil and castor oil are heavy oils that work to strengthen the hair shaft reducing breakage. The oils also help to strengthen the hair itself and this helps to reduce hair fall. Mustard oil: is believed to provide stimulation for the scalp to promote hair growth. Mustard oil has very high levels of zinc and selenium that prevents hair loss. When these essentials are deficient in the body, hair loss is a possible result. The oil is also rich in beta carotene and is a healthy source of nutrients and vitamins that help to nourish the scalp. Beta carotene when converted into vitamin A enhances the healthiness of the scalp and provides protection for the hair. Essential oils: there are different essential oils such as rosemary and peppermint that have stimulating properties to promote hair growth. The oils help to prevent excessive production of sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp. When massaged into the scalp, the oils send tingling sensations into the scalp to improve blood circulation. Other oils: wheat germ oil and olive oil are both popular ingredients in hair care products. The oils have a high level of essential nutrients such as fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. The oils are useful in conditioning the hair and providing protection against free radicals and the damage they cause. Wheat germ oil is especially useful in preventing hair loss. Why Natural Remedies are Good for Hair Loss There is certainly no shortage of hair loss treatments available on the market today. Whether they work or not may be quite a different matter. If you are not interested in trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t, natural remedies are the best option. There is a wide array of natural remedies providing effective treatments for hair loss. The benefit in using natural remedies is of course the absence of any side effects. We also need a better understanding of the different treatments, how the treatments should be used and the expected results from the treatments. It is advisable to learn as much as possible about the different natural remedies, discuss with a doctor the type of hair loss problem you are facing and the best natural remedy for the problem. Natural hair loss remedies have benefits that include the absence of side effects, don’t cause pain or discomfort, are not very expensive, can be purchased easily at most health food stores or pharmacies, and administration of the treatment is also easy. Herbs and essential oils are probably the most common forms of natural remedies for hair loss. Conventional doctors have learned to accept the efficacy of these products though not much scientific proof is available. For centuries people have used herbs and oils to treat a large number of ailments, which is itself the best proof. Here are some examples of well-known natural remedies for hair loss: • Ginger is a very useful herb commonly found in our kitchens at home. All through the history of man, since ginger was first discovered it has been used to heal many ailments. Ginger contains fatty acids that strengthen the hair shaft and stimulate the scalp to produce new hair. • Rosemary and sage are both herbs that need to be boiled together to produce a hair rinse. Steep the herbs and then strain the water to use it as a rinse after shampooing your hair. The herbs act on the follicles, stimulating them to produce hair. The herbs also work to extend the resting phase of hair cycle so that the hair fall is lessened. • Red pepper is an herb that can be mixed with regular tap water and applied to the scalp in places where the hair loss has occurred. Pepper irritates the skin causing it to release histamines in the areas of application. The histamines are capable of altering cell division and encouraging hair follicles to produce hair. • Adding henna to the conditioner you use can help heal hair follicles to increase hair growth. Henna also contains properties that seal the hair cuticles to make them strong and damage resistant. Will Hair Transplant Surgery Stop Hair Loss Anyone who has had to face the agony of losing a considerable amount of hair over a period of time may wish to consider hair transplant surgery options. Baldness generally occurs in a pattern at the front or on top of the head or at the back of the head. Hair transplant surgery involves removing hair follicles from parts of the scalp where there is a healthy growth of hair and transplanting them in areas where baldness has occurred. To perform the hair transplant surgery, the doctor will remove hair follicles or plugs of hair and transplant them to the areas on the scalp where the hair has stopped growing. In case you are wondering what happens to the area where the follicles are removed from and whether those areas will become bald, the answer is no. Only a few hair follicles are removed from each healthy group or graft. The doctor has to place thousands of follicles in the bald areas to make the treatment effective. The small grouping will render the appearance more natural as well. In hair transplant surgery, each session can last anywhere from 5-10 hours and the person will need a minimum of two sessions to achieve results. However, the number of sessions that will be required is dependent on the seriousness of the problem, the size of the bald area to be covered, the predicted rate of further balding and how many grafts will be required to show results and make the person appear natural. Hair transplant surgery is recommended for men and women suffering from hereditary hair loss. The main criterion to be eligible for this type of treatment is the availability of sufficient donor hair for the treatment to be successful. The color, texture and type of hair can make a difference in whether a candidate is suitable for the procedure. A person with thick curly hair of a dark shade is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. The hair will cover more of the scalp giving the person a very natural appearance. When there is a large contrast between the color of the scalp and the color of the hair, there could be a problem because the transplant will be very obvious. In such cases it may be better to retain the bald look rather than look obviously freakish. Hair transplant surgery is exactly that; a surgery, and the cost will be in proportion to the amount of work carried out. Would You Like to Reverse Hair Loss? If your hair has been falling out in clumps and has you climbing walls in a totally paranoid state, this page is for you. We offer practical advice and tips to help you deal with the problem of hair loss. Not all of us are obsessed with our hair or bodies, but even for the most unassuming person in the world, the sudden loss of hair can be a hard pill to swallow. Some types of hair loss causes can be easily determined, but in others the problem may arise due to an underlying medical problem or other factors. For example, extensive parlor treatments over time whereby the hair was constantly being exposed to harsh chemicals can lead to a sudden loss of large amounts of hair. Regardless of what causes the problem, our one consuming aim when faced with the awful prospect of going bald in the not too distant future is to stop the hair loss. It should be understood at the start that there are certain types of hair loss that cannot be reversed. For example, hair loss due to genetic reasons; when hair loss is hereditary there is no known cure for restructuring inherited genes. Another problem is that men are genetically designed to experience a certain amount of hair fall as they grow older. This is because of the male hormone testosterone; too much of it and the hair starts to thin out on the scalp. Well in reality too much testosterone causes the increase in production of the DHT hormone, which blocks the hair follicles from producing new hair. In women, the hair loss problem is not as pronounced as it is in men, thank goodness! However, medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and a host of other factors can trigger hair fall. When women have certain medical conditions and they lose their hair, it cannot be grown back. For both men and women, reversing hair loss boils down to making certain changes in our lives. It is common knowledge that a healthy body equates to the absence of disease. It is also common knowledge that smoking causes cancer, so why smoke? Poor diet will cause the hair follicles to grow nutrient deficient and stop producing new hair. Too much alcohol will block the healthy production of new hair. Everything enjoyed in moderation is fine so long as it does not interfere with the wellbeing of the body. Men and women need to make lifestyle adjustments to maintain a healthy body and a healthy scalp. Green Tea – Does It Help Combat Hair Loss? Green tea is made of tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without going through the process of fermentation. Recent studies show that green tea can actually help fight hair loss effectively. An experiment was conducted on a group of mice facing hair loss to test the effect of green tea on them. Some mice were given drinking water whereas the rest were given green tea. The results indicated that green tea helped in stopping hair loss in all the mice of that particular test group. It even resulted in a triggered hair growth. The group of mice which were subjected to drinking water continued to face hair loss. Needless to say, humans are different from mice and we might react differently to substances. Whether or not green tea is as suitable for human beings in fighting hair loss is still not clear. A reason why green tea is considered effective is because it contains "anti-inflammatory" properties which are beneficial for both men and women who are facing risk of losing too much hair. It also has an impact on body hormones. An increased consumption of green tea results in rapid production of a hormone called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in our bloodstream. SHBG prevents the conversion of testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT helps promote increased hair growth in children. But according to the studies conducted by AMA (American Medical Association) some men and women respond negatively to DHT at a later stage in life which can be a gene-attributed problem. So green tea might help in combating hair loss by releasing increased levels of SHBG in the bloodstream which prevent formation of DHT. Green tea is also considered very effective in curing dandruff which is one of the prime reasons for hair loss in children and adults alike. It also helps in curing Psoriasis which is a chronic disease where in the scalp gets infected with lesions and red dry patches. Green tea regulates Caspase-14, a protein which is responsible for cell multiplication. This property is beneficial when it comes to regulating Psoriasis. Dandruff can be cured by using a green tea shampoo or alternatively you can use green tea with your regular shampoo. Since regular shampoos may also contain some elements which can potentially tend to be carcinogenic its always better to see if your scalp condition improves after only using green tea. Even if you find many references online explaining the benefits of using green tea, there are some who feel that it has no apparent impact on their hair condition. White tea seems to be favored by many in such cases. Others feel that a heavy consumption of green tea and fermented soy beans does wonders for your hair. With a variety of proofs and sources available online it might be difficult not to believe that green tea provides some help when it comes to fighting hair loss. You have to remember that not all types of hair loss are alike and not all of them can be cured in the same manner. It is always better to consult an expert fist before you decide to try anything new or different. Should You Color that Gray Hair? Do you have noticeable gray hair? If so, you may be thinking about coloring your hair. Semipermanent coloring processes or rinses may be alternatives if you have not grayed considerably. Otherwise, permanent hair-coloring may be your only option. Should you permanently color your hair or go natural? The financial aspect is an important consideration. You can buy hair coloring products to use at home, but you may get less than desirable results. Professional hair coloring can be pricey. To keep your roots colored, you will need to have a salon visit every four to eight weeks. Also, you may not want your hair to be one color all over. Highlights or darkening sections of your hair will both add to your bill. Do you have your eye on a particular hair color? Unfortunately, your gray hair may not dye to that shade. Even worse, you may love the color that you have when you leave the salon, only to find in a few weeks that your hair has faded to hue that you cannot stand. Red colors are especially prone to fading. Also, think about how silver roots will look against your the shade you choose. Colors in the blonde range often blend better with gray roots. Many hair colors do not look good against aging skin (or some against any skin). You may want to take a cue from nature as to what looks best on you right now. Chemical exposure might also be a consideration. Hair coloring involves some powerful substances that probably aren't good for your body. After all, many pregnant women stop coloring their hair to avoid toxic substances from harming their babies. Do you really want those substances being absorbed into your scalp? Time is another factor. Hair color can take one to two hours per visit. Depending on how often you need to color, you may be spending a lot of time at the salon. Gray hair can be very attractive. Many women find men with gray hair to be distinguished in appearance. Silver hair on women can be beautiful. Some cultures see gray hair as an honor. Silver locks radiate maturity and wisdom. You've earned those gray hairs, so you wear them proudly! Should you permanently color your locks? You need to choose the hair color that makes you look and feel your best while also considering the expense and upkeep involved. Leaving hair natural can be a great choice for many adults with gray hair. Hair Products for Healthy, Shiny, Sexy Hair Hair, its funny how such a simple thing can change how a person can feel about themselves. It's true though, if someone is having a good hair day it can boost their confidence to a whole new level. On the other hand, if the same person is having a bad hair day their self-esteem can plummet. Although having sexy, healthy and shiny hair is not the key to happiness, it sure doesn't hurt to have beautiful hair. However, finding the right products to achieve sexy, healthy hair can be a challenge. There is such a huge variety of hair products on the market today that it becomes difficult to know what products to buy for your hair. For healthy, shiny hair it is important to use products that are specially formulated for each individual hair type and texture. Before someone can purchase the correct products that will deliver the results they are looking for, one must first answer these two questions. What is their hair's texture, and what is their hair type? Hair type is what confuses people the most. The type of hair is whether it is fine, medium or coarse. Answering this question can be tricky for some, so let's go over this first. The diameter of hair is what determines whether it is fine, medium or coarse. Many people think that if their hair is fine then they have thin hair. While this can be true, it is not always so. Thick or thin hair has to do with the density or the amount of hair someone has. The diameter is the size of the hair shaft itself. To help you picture this let's use pasta as an analogy. Think of fine hair as angel hair pasta, medium hair as vermicelli, and coarse hair as spaghetti, all of which is pasta, but each "type" has a different size of diameter. If someone has one bundle of each type of pasta, and each bundle has 100 pieces in each bundle, the bundle of spaghetti will look like it has more pieces because the diameter or the spaghetti is larger around, it just "looks" like there is more. Determining the texture of hair is the next step to finding the right products to create healthy, shiny and sexy hair. Determining the texture of hair is much easier and less confusing. The texture of hair has to do with the way it looks and feels. Although there are different degrees of curls, hair is classified as either straight or curly. If hair is straight the cuticles of the hair shaft lie flat, this helps it appear shiny and smooth. Curly hair can fall into soft waves, ringlets, tight curls or kinky coils. Because curly hair goes through twist and curves, it compels the cuticle to lift. This makes it difficult for the cuticles of the hair to lie flat and smooth. Since the cuticles of curly hair are not lying flat, this tends to make the hair appear frizzy and dull. Although most people with fine hair tend to have straight hair and those with coarse hair tend to have curly hair, this does not have to be the case. When it comes to hair, the thing to remember is that anything goes. A person can have fine hair that is curly and coarse hair that is straight and everything in between. Now let's take a look at what types of products someone should use to create healthy, shiny and sexy hair. Fine Hair The key for making fine hair look healthy, shiny and sexy is to look for lightweight products that won't weight the hair down. These products include products like mousse, root lifters and products that are designed to create volume. Powder based products are another great lightweight product and when applied to the roots, will provide the volume and lift that individual with fine hair have a difficult time achieving. Try to avoid sticky products like waxes, pomades and gels as these will only attract dirt and oil that will drag fine hair down making it appear dull and lifeless. Another important thing to avoid is using too much product, more in this case is not better. Again, this will only make fine hair heavy and fall flat, which is usually the opposite goal for most individuals. Use products that enhance shine sparingly. Coarse Hair Individuals with coarse hair will want to look for products that add shine and moisture. Look for heavier products like creams, waxes, pomades and gels. Coarse hair can appear frizzy in a humid climate so waxes are also good as they will create a barrier on the hair. This will keep in the moisture in while locking out humidity that causes hair to frizz out. Since coarse hair is much heavier, lightweight products will do nothing to improve the way it looks and will just be a waste of money. Avoid anything that says it is for thickening or adding volume. This will only serve to plump up the cuticle and make coarse hair look even worse than when they began. Coarse hair thrives on oil based drops that enhance shine, these are great for smoothing down the hair's cuticle giving individuals with coarse hair the shiny, sexy hair they desire.
Stay Smart; Stay Beautiful!