
Friday 3 April 2015

Celebrity Hair Tips Secrets

Probably you may have being wondering how celebrities like, Hilary Duff
Angelina Jolie & Jennifer Aniston look so gorgeous all the time?
How does their hair always look so perfect and well-conditioned?

What’s the Secret?
Well, if it may please you to know that the secret is in the tools, the products and the stylist.
You can create these looks at home, and one of the best tips is:-
the less time you spend on it the better it will look. Now you are
probably wondering how, but if you think it takes 8-20mins to
straighten your hair, you may start to believe me.

I want to give you some great tips that you can use at home that
will help you to look even better. These tips come not only from
personal experiences but also from the celebrity stylists, who help
to create a great red carpet look.
So here we go, read on for the ultimate in celebrity hair tips.

How to get that “Going to the Oscars” Glamour
Whenever you see a picture of a celebrity on the red carpet, you are
probably thinking how amazing they look. And what you can see is
a hairstyle that has taken months of planning and trips to the
stylists in order to look absolutely Hollywood perfect.
Before the big event, the celebrity will consult with their stylist
about how they want to look, but also ask advice from their
hairdressers on how to look up to date, but also very sexy and
Those who kept up with the times on the red carpet this year went
for very large Hollywood curls, with an extra rich colour and shine.
To recreate this look here are some tips on how to curl your hair so
you can look just as elegant.
Create Great Curls
If you have just bought yourself some very expensive straighteners,
or you are thinking about it, why not consider the idea of curling
your hair with straighteners? You can get more controllable curls
which are far easier to manage than your natural hair is!

Try this:-
1. Make sure that your hair is semi-straight, or if not straighten it.
2. Spray on some heat-protection spray and then divide your hair
into sections. The fewer the number of sections the tighter the curls
will be.
3. Take the straightener and clamp it over the top of the section,
then whilst pulling down the straighteners turn the straightener
round. To produce a tighter curl clamp harder with the straighteners
and pull harder when you bring it down.
4. Do not brush your hair after you have done this, but simply
tease through with your fingers. And add some shine spray.

Another way to curl your hair that always creates great celebrity
styles hair effect is to use some heated rollers. The type of rollers
that you should get should depend on how long and thick your hair
is, and how tight the curl that you want to achieve is.
I would recommend for short thin hair to use a straightener (the
above method) or tongs, for thick medium length hair to use some
medium sized heated rollers and for really long hair I would use
some very large velcro rollers. Try using these on wet hair and then
drying off with a hair dryer (be sure to have plenty of hair grips on
hand however).
The most perfect thing about celebrities hair is that it always
appears in perfect condition. Just think, can you remember every
seeing Jennifer Aniston with her hair looking messed up?!
Many celebrities will have plenty of deep conditioning treatments at
their salon before the big event. These treatments will vary from
Damage Restructuring to Deep Conditioning and Detoxifying.
There are plenty of high street products out there that are suitable
for home use and you can pick them up on the high street for
reasonable prices. I would always recommend that you look on the
back and see the list of ingredients, the more chemicals it has in it,
the worse it will be for your hair in the long run.

You may wish to consider trying some organic haircare products,
which are not always as expensive as you think, and with organic
followers like Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle McPherson you will be in
great company!
Or indeed for a special event such as a prom or a ball, why not
go down to your local hairdresser or beauty salon and have a hair
wrap or mask? These may be quite expensive but will definitely get
you the look that you desire and it’s worth treating yourself for a
special event.
Always check with the salon about which treatment they think will
be right for you, because not all of them will be suitable for your
hair type.
Dazzling Colour
Another important thing about your hairstyle is the colour. The
richer and deeper the colour, the healthier you will look and the
more attractive you will appear, it’s a well acknowledged fact.
Just look at the hair colour of Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston
and Debra Messing to see what I mean.
So if you haven’t already booked an appointment at your local salon
to have a colour analysis, or follow these steps to the perfect
celebrity look-a-like hair colour:
Firstly, look at your natural hair colour; does it seem lifeless and
dull? Take a long look at your hair in the mirror and look at your
friends and work colleagues- also don’t forget to ask your hair
stylist for advice.

Secondly, determine your own hair colour if you don’t
already know this. A good tip to remember is that men can often be
the best judge of hair colour, because they can sometimes be more
Once you have worked out what your hair colour is, try thinking of
shades that are really rich in your mind but sticking to your own
colour palette.
For example, if your hair is a dark blonde colour, but also has some
dark brown and red strands in there, colours that would work for
you would be reds and browns.
Another good example is Keira Knightley, she looks at her best
with chestnut-coloured hair because this is closest to her natural
I would always recommend trying colours that are slightly darker
than your normal shade, and always try colours that are redder
than your normal shade.

Red hair is really popular at the moment, with stars like Nicole
Kidman and Julia Roberts endorsing it.

If you want to dye your hair yourself, try some wash-in wash-out
formulas before you commit to a permanent colour. This way you
can be sure of the colour and whether it suits you. The usual
recommendation is just to go one shade darker each time.
Also, if you just want to look good for one special evening you can
then use one of these formulas and not permanently change your
colour, but still look astounding.

Perfect Nutrition = Perfect Hair

You may have heard this many times before, but a healthy diet is
really important if you want to have great hair.
The stars that look the best are the ones that eat the right foods
and focus on a good diet. Gwyneth Paltrow and Heidi Klum are
great examples and look great without starving themselves or
resorting to strange diets.

There are a few key things that you need to make sure you get
enough of that will help your hair look at its best.

The first is to drink plenty of water, this gives the hair its shine
and without enough it can leave your hair lank and frizzy. The
usual recommendation is eight glasses a day, but don’t stick rigidly
to this, just drink as much as you can.
Secondly, protein is really important to your hair as this is what it’s
made of, so be sure to eat enough dairy and meat products.
Minerals like iron, zinc and copper are also really important.
The iron helps deliver oxygen to your hair to keep it alive and fresh
looking, so eat plenty of red meat and dark green veggies.
Zinc is effective in keeping the hair strong, and prevents the hair
falling out; it can be found in seafood and meat.
Copper is really important in maintaining the colour of your hair,
and enough of this will really give your hair colour a boost, so make
sure you eat enough shellfish, seeds and fresh vegetables.
Vitamins are also effective in maintaining a good scalp and a great
overall condition of your hair, especially vitamins A, B and C. These
can be found in fruits and vegetables.

A great celebrity secret is the sweet potato, which is full of
vitamins A and B and other great nutrients which will give your hair
great life and body.
Straighteners – How to create Perfect Hair
To create the perfect look for your hair, choose to straighten your
hair. The effect of ceramic straightening means that the follicles on
your hair lie straighter and therefore reflects more light, making it
look healthy and a beautiful colour.
1. Spray a heat-protective spray in your hair, this insures very
little damage is done o your hair. Be sure to spray over the
entire length of your hair.

2. Fully dry hair using a blow dryer. Make sure that you blow
downwards, this is so the you can keep the cuticles lying flat,
thus leaving your hair shinier, because more light can reflect
from your hair.

3. Comb through your hair with a wide-toothed comb, so as not
to create static in your hair. Keep this comb for the next part.

4. Separate your hair into sections. Depending on the thickness
of your hair you may end up having created between 4 and 10
sections. Start with the hair closest to your neck. and work up
to the top. You will find that the more sections you have the
straighter your hair will be in the end.

5. Once you have your first section, turn on your hair
straighteners. Starting at the top pull the straighteners down
towards the floor. Do this fairly slowly. The slower you go the
straighter it will be and the longer it will stay in. But also the
slower you go the more damage you cause to you hair.

6. Once your first section is straight, continue until all the hair is

7. If you are happy with your look, then spray some shine spray
over all your hair. If not, continue straightening your locks
until you achieve desired effect, please remember that
straighteners can also create curls and waves, and so be
                                              Stay Smart; Stay Beautiful !!!